Amazing movie!!!

I was looking through movies on Amazon Prime and found this. It is an amazing and inspiring movie! After you watch it look up the son and you be amazing at what he is doing now!


"One whatever" as Raun's mother said. I loved the love. Son-Rise was uplfting. The love of parents toward their child, striving to find the help the they needed for their child, never giving up, not giving into the at-that-time universally held belief these children couldn't be reached, the refusal to accept the current 'standards' by which these children were subjected, and the neverending hope, and resolve, of wanting More for their child was endearing. "Because he wasn't born perfect, like you." was the most asinine of all asinine statements, because who among every human ever born has, or is, ever born perfect? I only know of One.

Thank you, Faridah, for pointing me to this oldie but goodie.
