I love this movie!!!

I'm watching this movie, as I type, and even after twenty-five-years,
it kicks ass!

Richard Benjamin, and in particular, his interaction with Richard Masur
is the highlight of the film and comedy at its finest.



I loved this film too.

I was howling at the scene where the four servants flood the lab with suds. As well, there was the bit where they had to steal the toilet.


"Why not use ze Microscope and make ze bubbles small?"



My favorite part is when the indian shot Georgie's stuffed bear and Georgie cried out, "They killed Buzzy!" That is so funny.

Volker Flenske: (While torturing David) I don't know why you're doing this to yourself!


newnightmarefan on Sun Dec 11 2005 22:15:19
My favorite part is when the indian shot Georgie's stuffed bear and Georgie cried out, "They killed Buzzy!" That is so funny.

LMAO! I love that part! My brother and I always mess with my Mom by going Mother....Mooootheerr!! in a Georgie voice on purpose. LOL


Living one day at a time.... LOL Love this film one of my faves :)


There is so many funny scenes/dialogue from the film.

My favourite scenes are:

1) At the beginning when the old man & that silly nurse were playing that game. 'Look at all the little tadpoles!'

2) The toilet scene. 'Montclair!'

3)'Beehives. Those are beehives.'

4) It's already been mentioned before: 'They killed Buzzy!' There's also the scene when Georgie is asking for a quarter & he had just finished eating his chocolate ice cream cone & Cloris Leachman is embarassed by his appearance & proceeds to wipe his mouth with a napkin.

5) When Willie Aames & the girl have to unscrew the head at the fast food place.

6) Richard Mulligan's expression when Scatman Crothers pulls the wedding veil off his head.

7) 'Why do you have all this food?'

8) The tire marks on Richard Benjamin's suit.

There's NO evidence of this movie existing in the UK!!! Soon nobody will believe me when I say this is a real movie.


Dear s-72: SCAVENGER HUNT was released on Guild Home Video in the UK in the 1980s. I've seen original PALs of it up for auction before.



I also love this movie a lot. I would be cool if they made a remake of this movie with some current comedy actors like Will Ferrell.


One of my favorite lines...James Coco attempting to rob the market...

"I can't seeeeeeee!!!!! I have no holes!!!!!"



I forgot that line!!! Then James Coco finds the Leggs pantyhose display & puts the pantyhose over his head & says, 'I can see!'


I love the part from the will reading as well,

"And last and certainly least is Marvin Dumitz. Who, can't possibly know why he's here today. On the day of the big corporate showdown my business partner had the misfortune of hailing a cab driven by that idiot Dumitz. My partner never made it to the meeting. From that day on the business was mine." Heh heh heh.

"That is not a mic ro scope." "I know it is not a mic ro scope it is a mouse, but this is a mic ro scope...split pea brain!" Stephanie Faracy to James Coco. Makes me crack up every time I see it.

I also love when Jenkins pulls out his protective gear when it's wet, bubbles, anything, so his clothes are perfect when the rest of them (the servants) look horrible.


I like the part when they're trying to steal the toilet and it doesn't budge, and then the chauffeur says, "Henry, move your ass."

The way he says it is priceless!

El Paso, Texas...ever heard of it?


"But what about all this water?" "Well, call a plumber we are specialists!"
LOL I love that line!

"So, am I worthy to serve under Captain Jack Sparrow?"- James Norrington POTC-Dead Man's Chest


I cannot beleive this movie is not in widespread print on DVd and such would love to own it..

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


ARE YOU KIDDING?????!!!!! WILL FERREL???? That idiot would only ruin this classic, just as he ruins all films that he's in. He plays the same stupid, nincompoop character in every movie with a tiny little twist of a difference. I suppose you'd like Adam Sandler in the movie along with Rob Schneider and the other no comedic actors that are inheriting Hollywood these days. The original Scavenger Hunt had classic and talented actors, that not only could do comedy but drama as well. To use the likes of Will Ferrel is like sticking a knife into the film of the past. All he does is act crazy and stupid, there is no real intelligence put into his acting as a comedian... ever. I don't know what anyone sees in his comedic approach or of Adam Sandler either. I may not be an actor and maybe I don't have a right to judge, but in my humble opinion,... THESE GUYS STINK@!


This would be a cool remake. They sure couldn't make it worse LOL Screwball comedies are the best

Young Frankenstein
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
Cannonball Run
History of the World,Part 1 (never made a part 2 )
Robin Hood:Men in Tights
The Villain(Kirk Douglas doing a Bugs Bunny-style bit after being kissed by Ann-Margret)


I love the whole movie! Stephanie Faracy and James Coco are hoots!

Professional Jayne Mansfield fanatic/loverâ„¢ since 1980.


Thank GOD I have found a group of people that love this movie as much as I!!! I am trying to locate it for my 12 yr old daughter in hopes she will like it as much as I did at her age!! My favorite scene..........MONTCLAIR!!!!


montclair is classic. i cant believe this still has no DVD release. come on, we just got Joysticks out, lets get this one too!



This movie came out when I was 12 years old, and it STILL cracks me up now that I'm pushing 40!

El Paso, Texas...ever heard of it?


GeeSomething (Thu Dec 14 2006 05:49:48 )

I also love how Richard Masur is like a little kid especially when he yells "Motheerrrrr" hahaha.


My brother and I do that to our mother "in Georgie voice" when she's not listening to us. LOL

"So, am I worthy to serve under Captain Jack Sparrow?"- James Norrington POTC-Dead Man's Chest


Actually, a close runner up to when Buzzy was killed happened shortly after.

Stuart and Georgie go to Stuart's office to get a safe. Georgie pushes all the papers off on Stuart.
Stuart: Why did you do that?
Georgie: You got Buzzy killed!

Actually, I found a copy of this on DVD through ebay two years ago. However, it was obviously burned. Still, I'm glad I have it and it was worth the 12.99 I paid.



My brother and I used to use the "Mother, may I have another quarter?" line in Georgie-voice ad nauseum. LOVED the Benjamin/Masur interactions; the best parts of a really fun, enjoyable movie.


This movie was on cable fairly regularly in the early 80's and I think I watched anytime I caught it. I wish someone would broadcast it again (and I don't mean youtube). It's another one of those 70's/80's movies that's disappeared.

This is Dorsia?


More evidence that Swartzenegger should do Shakespeare! Can you imagine Arnold as Hamlet? Sheer poetry!


I love the part when Richard Benjamin is in the biker bar talking to Meatloaf and midway through, some guy just wipes his hand over Richard Benjamin's face! I've been doing that to my brothers and kids ever since then!
"I'm finding my range!"
"One, two, three!?!?!?! THTHTHTTHTHTHRREEEEEEE!?!?!?!!?!?"
