MovieChat Forums > Rocky II (1979) Discussion > Things you learned from Rocky II

Things you learned from Rocky II

1) A diet of snowcones will slim you down in as little time as it takes to drive through downtown Philadelphia to the hospital in an ambulance.
2) Carrying your bride all the way home is great for the arms.
3) Always have sex with a condiminium.
4) In order to find out if your dog is normal or not just look inside "there."
5) Always thank the other boxer for fighting you if you win.
6) A baseball bat is accepted way to great a vistor of your home.
7) Numbers which almost add up to 90 are a good omen.
8) A diet of snowcones and a new job as a loneshark's collector will change an @$$hole into a really nice, supportive and friendly guy almost overnite.

"There are right people to lynch." Who? People not well connected.



10) You can get a mortgage for a fine house without any job, just because you went the distance against the champ


Hearing aides help you hear "stupid things better"

Staying in a hospital too long makes you shrink

Playing stick ball with a bunch of teenagers is a good way to make sure the "day was no waste"




22. Buying a car without having your driver license is very normal.
23. If one day you don't want your car anymore and you need to sell it, just go see your best buddy and simply give him your car key.


24. You can drive recklessly through Center City Philadelphia without having a license (and in all likelihood, no insurance) and not face any legal repercussions

25. Reading hate mail is more important than spending time with your children. You can also throw the mail all over your house when your wife urges you to let it go


26. No matter how battered & bruised you are, when you hear an old man yell out "Now"! You instantly have power.

27. Your trainer will have no confidence in your ability & tell you dont let up on your opponent because he's dangerous.

28. Make sure when your giving an interview, know the meaning of the word deorgatory.


29 You can get a blessing from a priest by yelling his name outside his window.

30 TV fight announcers don't need headphones to listen to a director

31 Ringside photographers can leave cameras unattended on the apron during a match

32 Unwanted snowcones are best left thrown on the ground


33 Working on the docks for a mob boss is healthier than working in a stinky gym.

34. Going 15 rounds with the heavyweight champ does not qualify you for an office job


35. Retards really do like the zoo.




40. Just because you have a 'relaxed brain' doesn't mean you're 'punchy'.


41. your wife wanting you to finally "win" will imbribe you with a sprit you never knew you had

42. rocky has a criminal record... but nothing worth "bragging about"

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


43. Apollo lied when said there wasn't gonna be a rematch.

44. Rocky lied when he said he "dont want one."

The Original, The Legendary, SAJ




60. Taxes kill you.
61. Getting hit 500 times in the face night after night will sting after a while.
62. If you're an Italian tank, run right through em.
63. If Rocky never asked Adrian to stop being a woman, Adrian should never ask Rocky to stop being the man.
64. Rocky feels like a Kentucky fried idiot.




Don't know if these have been mentioned:

71. Rocky's criminal record is not worth bragging about.
72. Rocky takes towels from the Holiday Inn (check the scene when he's washing the dog, right after he gets shot down on his job searches).



76. If you want to go 15 rounds with a professional boxer you should never attempt to block, and allow all incoming punches to hit you square in the face.


77. Rocky has cost people thousands of dollars because he couldnt read.
78. Watch out when playing stickball against kids name swifty. They like to talk crap and wave there butts at you while trying to strike you out.
79. Carrying your fiancee in your arms for a long period of time is good for the arms...At least i think it is!


80. Rocky can see real a beagle or somethin'


81. I've learned that there are two kinds of love, that you wanna know.



82. TV boxing announcers in the 1970s smoked cigars while on the air.



1)How to do a one handed pull up/chin up.

2)How to catch a chicken.


Apollo can continue punching Rocky after the bell rings to end a round, and the ref and scorers will do nothing.

"Has anybody ever told you you have a SERIOUS IMPULSE CONTROL PROBLEM??"


LMFAO @ this thread.

You teach a child to read and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test. - Dubya


Reading to a loved one in a coma will help them recover.
Catching chickens will make you a good fighter.


There are no pet shop diseases..

Apollo thinks Al capone was at the press conference


chasing a chicken is the best way to train for a big fight


The first fight between Rocky and Apollo meets Mickey's criteria to be considered "beautiful"

Apollo is burning through sparring partners faster than Rocky is other jobs


Rocky's got guts to get back in the ring with him...

We need speed...speed's what we need...we need greasy fast SPEED!!!

In the morning Rocky splashes it on and it helps him smeel mainly...

Adrian should rest her stomach...

Pauly didn't teach Adrian to feed these goddamned squirrels....

Rocky should soak his head...soak it good.....

Rocky didn't even see that coming....and that was from a broken down pug like Mickey...

"What's really going on here, Steven? Is it drugs? Are you taking the pot?"


I'm pretty sure Mr Tiger (from the zoo) was invited to Rocky's wedding. Somehow Mr Tiger never showed up.


1) Apollo has to learn to just "Let it go.....Let it go".

2) Using humiliation tactics will make you seem like a bag guy.

3) You just went 12 rounds with the greatest fighter in the world and have lethal Boxing abilities but bums chilling on your block have the balls to disrespect you.

4) Gay kids like playing stick ball because they can shake their butts.

5) Those who sent Apollo hate mails were sincere and well mannered enough to not include cuss words nor profanity.

6) The rematch was totally different from the first fight. It went from being a Boxing match to a Philadelphia street fight.

7) Nothing ends a movie with such a happier note than seeing a mobster celebrating in the crowd after Rocky wins.

8) I loves you to.

9) Rocky's eye heals after this movie even after having a slug war fest with Apollo as it is never mention again.

10) Apollo has a large crowd shouting his name as he is training in his gym.


42. rocky has a criminal record... but nothing worth "bragging about"

Apparently it is worth bragging about because it would hinder Rocky's case against his lawyer(see Rocky V).
9) Rocky's eye heals after this movie even after having a slug war fest with Apollo as it is never mention again.

It's touched upon in Rocky III. Now to continue:

Adrian obviously has never heard of toxoplasmosis.

Interest rates on home mortgages were crazy high back then.

Rocky doesn't want a good paying menial labor job.

Duke was right.

The Spectrum's interior doesn't quite look like the Spectrum's interior.

Bill Baldwin apparently doesn't visit Philly often because he's never seen so many Italians in his life.

Rocky like this robe better than that baggy one was last year.

Rocky isn't very mature.

If you can catch a chicken, you can catch greased lightning.

Apparently it's perfectly OK to have an army of kids follow you while you run to the point that they clog the streets. Especially in a traffic heavy city like Philadelphia.

Rocky understands Italian but can't speak it.

Apollo doesn't mind playing the heel.


Paully doesn't sweat Apollo.


That an athlete training for a heavyweight championship fight can run at a pace slow enough for a mob of 11 year olds to follow along as long as it ends with a sprint up a flight of stairs



I learned that:

Rocky is an expert in bricks

Chicken chasin is how people trained in the old days

Rocky has proof of his marriage in his pocket

One dum-dum in the family is enough

