MovieChat Forums > More American Graffiti (1979) Discussion > Quite possibly the worst sequel ever

Quite possibly the worst sequel ever

OK well at the end of American Graffiti they tell what happens to everyone. this movie is only great for a laugh, the highlight is terry the toad but thats like only the first 10 mins of the film. jumps around from year to year no a great linear story. neednt been made. If youve seen American Graffiti dont see this one unless you are not careing about anything else i couldnt take the whole film in it was that disappointing.


The movie is a complete turd. Worst sequel ever? Hard to say, there are some tough contenders.


I would have no trouble listing this has the worst sequel; its unbelievability bad in its story construction ... its not a movie, just a collection of scenes with no common thread tying them together. Staying Alive was a dreadful sequel in that it ruined a beloved character.


Grease 2

definately the worst sequel


Speed 2: Cruise Control with the red button countdown sequence at the end.

Fortunately the tougher movies don't seem to get this treatment. Examples like
Raging Bull come to mind. Follywood knows enough to avoid that. Wouldn't want to see Full Metal Jacket 2.
But another board could explore the remake tradition. There a few goodies do get made.
Cape Fear, The Thomas Crown Affair, ones like that work ok compared to sequels.
As lighter sequels, have liked The Son of Kong though, lol. And The Bride of Frankenstein. But let's avoid The Accountant of Deacula or some such material like Platoon Goes to College.
Does seems on a kick for follow on themes right now with Dumb & Dumber to get the Caddyshack 2 effort. Also popular is to pump out a bunch of films when someone gets bit hot like Melissa McCarthy. The actor becomes the sequels.
Brenden Fraser did that a while back and sort of survived. Only Gods and Monsters really showed any depth of performance stretching since, though appeared in a few efforts like Crash (one of large cast). Mostly minors now.
Overexposure of player can be as harmful as overproduction of one concept (bad sequels). Transformers is on edge of that. Knife's edge for Star Wars & Terminator ideas too, tho Star Trek pulled out a win.
It's ok to follow up on a niche winner but has to be something as solid as Aliens, or The Expendables. The Transporter 2 was plenty enough and should have left it at that. The Professional knew enough to leave it alone.
Tough game to play.


As long as the Police Academy films exist, it will never be the worst sequel ever. For that matter, Highlander 2 and any of the subsequent Highlander films.

Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!


It's not even close to being the worst sequel ever. It had to follow AG, and that's a very tough act to follow; almost like being Jesus' little brother Jerry. Also, it has a completely different feel, and rightly so...the years it represents had a completely different feel than 1962 did. There's a very good reason it doesn't give you the same upbeat feeling that the first movie did.


It's obvious the OP has never seen Jaws The Revenge, or a million other worse movies.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


I'm going with a lot of you posters and casting my vote for Caddyshack 2.

P.s. At least this has cars to look at..drag


While I am not a fan of this film, I can tell you that there are worse sequels. Check out "The Howling 2" and "Highlander 2" (original version). Those make this one look not awful.

I don't even know enough to know how much I don't know. Ya know?


Hollywood will ride a movie to death or use an actor up if they think they can make a buck. There are a lot of crappy sequels, but the sequel to "When Women Had Tails", "When Women Lost Their Tails" has my vote for one of the worst sequels ever. However, the original was pretty bad too. You lose IQ points watching them.


Bad News Bears Go To Japan. Hell may been more fitting considering how bad this one was.


I agree.
