Am I missing something?

Serious question, I have attempted to watch this film, hailed by many as the greatest comedy ever. But after half an hour with no laughs and literally cringing at every scene I just can't take it any more and turn it off.

The real question is, am I missing something? The so called comedy in this film just seems outrageously stupid and I just can't seem find myself enjoying it. Maybe its a generation thing?

"Get away from her, you bitch!"


It doesn't have anything to do with generation. It's more about your tastes. Like all genres, comedies also have sub-genres and amongst the different types of humour, Satire/Social commentary/observational humour, Surreal humour, Wordplay and parody don't seem to be your cup of tea. Maybe Slapstick, Cringe and Dark Humour appeals to you?



People hungry for the voice of god
Hear lunatics and liars



I find LOB tobe very funny in parts, but at times it flags a little. I like "Holy Grail" more because it was edited to leave anything out that would stop the film's momentum. It's funny that the British poll cited elsewhere puts LOB at the top of the list of all-time best comedies. In America, "Holy Grail" rules. I have nephews who were born way after its original release date, yet they lap it up just the same as their elders. To be sure, LOB is honored as a genuine Python classic in the US, but is not revered as it is in Pommyland.


It isn't a generation thing, it's a question of taste: monty python, love it or hate it :-)



The real question is, am I missing something? The so called comedy in this film just seems outrageously stupid and I just can't seem find myself enjoying it. Maybe its a generation thing?


no it would seem just an American thing

the movie is satire

Americans ditched satire over 50 years ago with Stan Freberg as the last

so no way average J Doe could possibly understand this movie


Half an hour? Jeez you`re a pushover.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
