MovieChat Forums > Going in Style (1979) Discussion > so does he get out? (spoilers)

so does he get out? (spoilers)

George Burn's initial plan stated that even if they were caught, they do 20 years, tops, then get out, and use all their social security checks in one bunch...

Well, the real-life George Buns lived another 25 years after this movie, so his character could've feasibly did the time and got out.


Part of Tyrexden's post:

...Well, the real-life George Burns lived another 25 years after this movie, so his character could've feasibly did the time and got out.

If this happened in real life, George Burns' character would not likely live another 25 years in prison, before being released. This is because if you go to prison, your life expectancy tends to dramatically decrease. Sanitation, stress (such as worrying if you'll be killed in prison), lack of decent food, and other health-related reasons are why some elderly prisoners don't live long enough to serve out their prison sentence.

Fortunately for Burns, he lived until his death at age 100 in 1996.


He sure barely made it to that age.


True --- BUT what Joe tells the son at the end --- Inside he was given a LOT of respect as an armed bank robber at his age, Decent food ??? It has all the vitamins it needs other wise they couldn't serve it, may be over cooks and bland but it's there --- Free heath care,,, whatever his problems
