MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > Superman vs. Man of Steel

Superman vs. Man of Steel

i'm going through and watching all of my movies in order by date, and I've reached Superman: The Movie. I thought watching this movie, there was no way it would be comparable to anything modern, but I was seriously wrong. Is it corny? Yes, but not to the point of being cringe-worthy. In fact, it is so much better than Man of Steel could have ever hoped to be. Thank you Richard Donner for giving us a Superman that I can have faith in. Damn you, Zack Snyder, for ruining one of the greatest comic book characters in history. Damn you current DC staff for doing the same.


Don't hate Man of Steel, but Superman 1978 is still the best Superman movie. Yeah, it's dated. But if that movie was made in current age with the same passion and dedication, it would still be better than Man of Steel in every conceivable way.


Structurally, the first half of Man of Steel is a mess. From the second Kal-el's ship lands on Earth, they flash forward to when he's an adult, then he's a kid, then he's an adult, then he's a teenager, then he's an adult. It's really hard to get to know this guy because of the transitions, and certain scenes just don't have the impact they might otherwise have had if the film had had a more linear structure. Take the scene with Jonathan Kent dying. If this scene had been earlier in the film, when Supes was a kid, it would have been so much more impactful and easier to understand. He was still discovering his powers and he would have been conflicted over whether to use them or not still. As it is now, its just hard to believe he would just stand there. It's kind of stupid actually. Even if you take the film's explanation though, it really has no impact because we really don't know the guy. They have to explain Superman's reasoning through a line of dialogue because the writer knows his behavior makes no sense. That's bad character writing in my opinion. We should really be able to get it without expository dialogue.

The second half has a lot of entertaining action, but since Superman is developed so poorly in the first half, it's hard to be as invested in the outcome as we should be.

The Indians are coming! Quick, put your scalp in your pocket! -Groucho Marx



Both movies are overrated but I would rather watch Man of Steel with all its flaws over Superman.


As a big fan of Superman, of course superman the movie much better as visuals,music, cinematography, casting, direction. man of steel seems like cgi movie.


I prefer the 1978 Superman by far.
