MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > Superman vs. Man of Steel

Superman vs. Man of Steel

i'm going through and watching all of my movies in order by date, and I've reached Superman: The Movie. I thought watching this movie, there was no way it would be comparable to anything modern, but I was seriously wrong. Is it corny? Yes, but not to the point of being cringe-worthy. In fact, it is so much better than Man of Steel could have ever hoped to be. Thank you Richard Donner for giving us a Superman that I can have faith in. Damn you, Zack Snyder, for ruining one of the greatest comic book characters in history. Damn you current DC staff for doing the same.


It's amazing that Man of Steel spend half the movie dragging the word "hope" around, pretending that it meant something to the story, while there is more hope in Superman: The Movie where the characters don't mention the word once.


Yes. Not once did Man of Steel actually do something that conveyed hope.

Can't stop the signal.


It's amazing that Man of Steel spend half the movie dragging the word "hope" around, pretending that it meant something to the story, while there is more hope in Superman: The Movie where the characters don't mention the word once.

You know i never realized that till you brought it up excellent point the original superman movie didn't preach it showed through action.Everything about superman symbolized hope MOS turned to brow beating a audience that is smarter then anyone who had anything to do with MOS

character is habitual action, we are what we do habitually.



Send her to the snakes!





I liked Man of Steel, but it doesn't even compare to the original. The things that bothered me the most about Man of Steel:

1) The fighting - seems like half of the movie was the battle between Superman and the other Kryptonians. It just dragged on too long. I would have rather seen Superman helping on earth for a bit first, like in the original...saving Lois Lane, helping the police, etc.

2) The sequence - I didn't like the way they portrayed it, jumping from Krypton to him being older, and then the flashbacks of his childhood. I liked the original, watching him grow up, etc.

3) Lois Lane - her finding out who Clark Kent/Superman is, before anyone even knowing of him. Granted the whole hiding behind glasses disguise is corny, but she figured out who he was too quickly

4) Killing Zod - Superman just doesn't kill! They should have had Zod on the ship when he sent it back to the phantom zone.


3) Lois Lane - her finding out who Clark Kent/Superman is, before anyone even knowing of him. Granted the whole hiding behind glasses disguise is corny, but she figured out who he was too quickly

that is the only part of this mess of a film that i rated. i thought it made a lot more sense for a pulitzer prize winning journalist to find out his identity than for her to work closely with him and not see what was right in front of her face.

i agree with the other posters though that this was a very depressing film. the original was uplifting, i still remember how much my nieces and nephews enjoyed it, and wanted to wear superman outfits, etc, but i can't see a child responding in the same way to man of steel.

Never, never to be squandered...the miracle of another human being.


I would have no problem with her not falling for the glasses disguise, but I wish she'd met Clark first, and then pieced it together.


i agree with the other posters though that this was a very depressing film. the original was uplifting,

Agreed. It's like the writers had no idea who Superman has always been. He's supposed to be the Big Blue Boy Scout. Leave darkness to the Dark Knight. I felt more wonder and excitement during the helicopter rescue scene than in the entirety of MoS.

The only thing MoS theoretically did better than the original was spectacle, and I'm not even sure of that if the eras they were made in are taken into account. If Superman: The Movie was made today instead of 1978, I think it would be every bit as spectacular without being over the top wall-to-wall CGI like MoS. Likewise, make MoS in 1978 with the older effects and it would have killed the franchise then just as it did now.

The young pups will sneer and say it's just us old-timers being stuck in nostalgia. They can't conceive that we have no problems accepting newer movies as long as they're done right. Sure I liked Batman 1965, if only for the camp. But I also really liked Batman 1989, although not its sequels. And I had no problems with Nolan's trilogy. I can and do enjoy all three eras separated by almost 50 years. Likewise, I liked the first two Raimi Spider-Man movies and was still able to enjoy the first Amazing Spider-Man. The problem is that Superman Returns and Man of Steel simply aren't good movies to people who judge films by more than just special effects.


Well the thing is Man of Steel is the BEST Superman film ever made, while Superman 1 is the WORST one ever made.



I found that hard to swallow.

To each there own, though.

Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!


trolling just doesn't work if you overdo it. you're trying way too hard. unless you're 12 no one will believe that you actually hold an opinion like that.


Superman had no super villains. They overdid Clark's dorkiness. Lex Luthor was way off the mark. Lois Lane was basically the Mary Jane of the 70s and 80s. It had a terrible cast.

Superman becomes unsympathetic when he rewinds time to save Lois, as he essentially killed millions of people that he had otherwise saved. The whole time travel power is stupid since it means that Superman could rewind time whenever he wanted. He has too many powers as it is.

He's also not truly a hero since Jor El has to brainwash him into becoming Superman.

Man of Steel is more realistic. It gives Superman a bad guy that can actually match him. It actually has a good cast. It's the first film to actually do Superman justice. He also CHOOSES to be a hero. Lois Lane is pretty generic but she's still better than Margot Kidder or whatever her name is.


almost a year later and you're still trolling hard.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


Well, since you can't think of any real argument, I can't take you seriously, old timer.

Try not to wet your nappy.


you can't take me seriously? how do you think i feel? according to you, having wise and decent parental figures figures in Kent's life that teach him to be good and help/save people = not truly a hero. also:

Superman had no super villains.

he didn't need any in the first movie. it was literally the first ever legit live action superhero film (batman 66 doesn't count. that was pure camp and cheesiness only for children). it was enough to simply show him doing incredible things with his powers and saving people. it was a great start to the superhero film genre.

They overdid Clark's dorkiness.

100% pure, uncut opinion on YOUR part.

Lex Luthor was way off the mark.

is this a remark about him not being like he was in the comics? because that would be a fanboy complaint, not a "this is a bad movie" complaint.

Lois Lane was basically the Mary Jane of the 70s and 80s.

that's fair, but it doesn't detract much from the movie.

It had a terrible cast.

again, your opinion, and it's worthless and vague.

Superman becomes unsympathetic when he rewinds time to save Lois, as he essentially killed millions of people that he had otherwise saved.

this is a plot hole, yes, but it doesn't ruin the movie.

The whole time travel power is stupid since it means that Superman could rewind time whenever he wanted. He has too many powers as it is.

not a flaw. you already know he isn't the type of person who would do that at every opportunity. by the way, none of these "flaws" makes it the worst superman movie ever made. if you believe it is, you haven't seen II, III, or IV. you could even possibly argue returns is worse, as well as MOS.

Man of Steel is more realistic. It gives Superman a bad guy that can actually match him.

so realistic = better by default now? i never got that memo. and his battle with Zod makes no sense. if they're both invincible, superman shouldn't have been able to break his neck, even if he is infinitely strong. in fact, the fact that he breaks Zod's neck is a paradox.

He also CHOOSES to be a hero.

simply wrong. pa Kent talks to him about the values of helping people and since you forgot, Bore-El tells him this on the ship:

"what if a child aspired to something greater? you were the embodiment of that belief. you can embody the best of both worlds. [the people of earth] won't necessarily make the same mistakes we did. not if you guide them. not if you give them hope. the symbol of the house of El means hope. embodied within that hope is the fundamental belief in the potential of every person can be a force for good. that's what you can bring them."

you don't have to apologize for being so wrong on that one. it's easy to forget dialogue from such a forgettable movie.

Lois Lane is pretty generic but she's still better than Margot Kidder or whatever her name is.

fair point, but you had no reason to speak of Margot Kidder that way. that was nonsensical and immature.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


according to you, having wise and decent parental figures figures in Kent's life that teach him to be good and help/save people = not truly a hero.

Well, since he only became a hero because Jor-El brainwashed him rather than choosing to on his own free will, yeah Man of Steel did it better.

he didn't need any in the first movie. it was literally the first ever legit live action superhero film (batman 66 doesn't count. that was pure camp and cheesiness only for children). it was enough to simply show him doing incredible things with his powers and saving people. it was a great start to the superhero film genre.

Nope, he didn't have anybody that could match him. They should that just used Zod in the first film. Though you are right about Batman 66 being worse.

is this a remark about him not being like he was in the comics? because that would be a fanboy complaint, not a "this is a bad movie" complaint.

He wasn't a good villain in his own right, either.

Lois Lane was basically the Mary Jane of the 70s and 80s.

that's fair, but it doesn't detract much from the movie.

Until you combine it with everything else wrong with it.

It had a terrible cast.

again, your opinion, and it's worthless and vague.

Okay, you want me to be more specific? Christopher Reeve overdid his dorkiness. Margot Kidder only came across as whiny. Their romance was forced. Gene Hackman was even more over the top than Jesse Eisenberg.

not a flaw. you already know he isn't the type of person who would do that at every opportunity. by the way, none of these "flaws" makes it the worst superman movie ever made. if you believe it is, you haven't seen II, III, or IV. you could even possibly argue returns is worse, as well as MOS.

Which just makes him look selfish when he decides to rewind time to save Lois, especially since it means he killed all the people he had otherwise saved. All of the these flaws combined make it the worst Superman film ever. And I've seen Superman II, III and IV. Superman II was the best of the Reeve film, as it has ONE good actor in it (Terence Stamp) and better than Returns, as Superman II actually has a super villain in it. Superman III and IV are both better than Superman 1 as they at least have super villains.

so realistic = better by default now? i never got that memo. and his battle with Zod makes no sense. if they're both invincible, superman shouldn't have been able to break his neck, even if he is infinitely strong. in fact, the fact that he breaks Zod's neck is a paradox.

Again, given the many many flaws with Superman 1, Man of Steel is gonna be better. As for Superman and Zod being invincible, that's not actually the case. Superman has had his ass kicked by Doomsday, Mongul, Darkseid, etc. Kryptonians are merely highly endurable but not invincible. So it's no question one would be able to break the other one's neck.

simply wrong. pa Kent talks to him about the values of helping people and since you forgot, Bore-El tells him this on the ship:

"what if a child aspired to something greater? you were the embodiment of that belief. you can embody the best of both worlds. [the people of earth] won't necessarily make the same mistakes we did. not if you guide them. not if you give them hope. the symbol of the house of El means hope. embodied within that hope is the fundamental belief in the potential of every person can be a force for good. that's what you can bring them."

you don't have to apologize for being so wrong on that one. it's easy to forget dialogue from such a forgettable movie.

That is not the same thing as twelve years of brainwashing in Superman 1. In Man of Steel, all Jor-El did was talk to him. He didn't force him to become Superman. In the end it was Clark Kent's choice to be a hero.

fair point, but you had no reason to speak of Margot Kidder that way. that was nonsensical and immature.

I wouldn't talk if I were you.


so basically, 90% of your counter argument is "this is not the way i personally want it to be" (the characters personalities, having no supervillain to "match" superman) and the remaining 10% is nitpicking objectively trivial flaws in the movie. you're not doing a good job of convincing me that MOS isn't boring.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


90% is how they completely missed the point of a superhero film.

10% is pointing our major flaws in Mind Controlled Slave Man that you have overlooked.

You're not doing a good job of convincing me that your Superman isn't a boring Mary Sue and an embarrassment to superheroes.


so what you're saying is the movie is bad because it doesn't do precisely what you want it to do, so you'll keep stating your opinions as facts.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


No, that's your argument for MOS, fool.

Look, it's been fun watching you make a fool of yourself but I grow bored of your stupidity.

Try not to wet your nappy.


now you're mad, you're gonna ignore me and try to forget this embarrassing loss you've just endured. that's what happens when you state personal opinions as absolute facts and hope nobody notices.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


one more thing. in the original superman, Jor-El tells him he is forbidden to interfere with human history, but what does superman do? interferes with human history by turning back time to SAVE A LIFE.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


And kills everybody he had otherwise saved. This Superman sounds like a sociopath.


the movie doesn't show this. you have no evidence. in fact, before he goes back in time, Jimmy Olson is at the Hoover dam and superman has to save him, while Lois' car falls into a hole caused by the earthquake. after he goes back in time and meets up with Lois at her car, Jimmy is right there with them and the earthquake isn't even happening. this reduces superman's absurd negligence to a mere plot hole, so it's not as bad as you thought it was.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


Here's what we see.

Superman rewinds time.

And then stops the missile from killing Lois.

But doesn't stop the other missile.

Logic: the other missile just killed millions of people.

But yeah, as long as Lois was saved…

This Superman is a horrible person.


you don't even remember exactly what happened in the movie and you want to criticize it? he stops the missile headed for New Jersey first, then the other one causes the earthquake, which kills Lois, THEN he goes back in time, and then the earthquake doesn't even happen, despite the fact that we don't see him stop the other missile. this, as i explained before, is merely a plot hole, rather than negligence on superman's part. so right away we see that one of your criticisms of this movie involves you incorrectly remembering certain events that happened, rendering it worthless. you literally criticize the movie for something that didn't happen.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!




Man of Steel pretty much sucked all the way around. I mean it makes Superman Returns seem good. So ill take Superman The movie. Over that crap.


Nope, I'll take Man of Steel over the blandness that is Superman Returns any day .


the blandness that is Superman Returns

you spelled man of steel wrong.

Well Tony, nobody wants a war. If we can't do business why we'll just shake hands and that'll be it!


Superman is still the gold standard of superhero films. But Man of Steel isn't too bad either. At least it's better than Superman Returns and Superman IV.

The fighting between Superman and the villains in Man of Steel did seem long and tedious but on second viewing it was more enjoyable, probably because I was able to figure out what was going on. It was the kind of fighting that Superman II should've had but couldn't because of the technology of the time.

A big problem with Man of Steel was that we didn't get to see enough of Superman doing Superman things on earth and fighting common criminals and human villains. There was no build-up to the main event which was Zod, a guy with the same powers as Superman. Instead, Man of Steel just put Superman up against Zod right away. Since we've already seen Superman beating his equal in Man of Steel, seeing Superman taking on anyone else in the sequel will be a let down.

Mario Puzo got it right. I can still remember the surprise and excitement I had when I saw there would be a Superman II at the end of the closing credits of Superman I. That excitement grew when I learned that the criminals in Superman I would return as the villains in Superman II. Three villains, each with the same powers as Superman's, all taking on Superman. How cool is that?

It would've been better had Man of Steel been simply a re-make of the '78 Superman movie, just with better special effects.


The Problems with Man of Steel were:

1) I just dont understand why Clark couldnt be elated at all that he is the most powerful man on earth. He seems to have no joy in existing. Just watching him was depressing. Batman had a reason to mope, his parents were shot right before him when he was a kid. This superman seems to be always in pain for no reason whatever. Too dark. He could fly and he cant enjoy this fact.
When he killed zod, i was kind of expecting it. OF all the superman portrayed in media, this superman has the biggest tendency to become a villain.

2) Unbelievable, he just allows his dad to die. The fact that his dad wants his son not to use his powers to keep him "safe" also means the father didnt have the foresight to see the mental damage he wrought on his son. Im sorry but this part of the movie bothered me more than Zod being killed by superman.

3) the actor playing superman Henry Cavill is perfect for the role but the director, screenwriters, producers etc all should be replaced for making the most uplifting superhero the most depressing hero on screen.


Very well said!


I don't think you realise just how isolating it would feel to be Superman. There was literally no one else like him on Earth until Zod & co. showed up. I didn't see him as being mopey. To me, he just seemed like a stiff upper lip/get on with it kind of guy.

I'm glad he killed Zod. I wasn't in the mood for any silly trickery. Sometimes in life, there's no easy way out, not even with all that power.

Personally, I found this to be an uplifting movie. I certainly felt better after watching it.


great points about man of steel

it was too drawn out with the flashbacks etc-i also didnt like the way him and lois met but thats just me

everyone cheered when superman the movie finished-when man of steel finished everyone was just releived-it is depressing even though i love cavill

"I'll be there for you"


I don't know about that. I can at least laugh at Superman 4. I can't laugh, feel for anyone or care about anything that goes on in MOS.


I can sometimes respect movies that I didn't enjoy, looking at from other people's POV and realizing "yeah, I didn't like it, but there was some decent stuff in there that I respect". However, with MOS I struggle to see how anyone can see any worth in that film. It's just a depressinly horrible film and shouldn't even be counted as a Superman movie.

How many a$$holes we got on this ship, anyhow?!


Of course Superman The Movie. Man of Steel sucks.


I found Man of Steel entertaining, the designs on Krypton looked really good, the special effects were a treat on the eyes especially the flight scenes, Henry Cavill actually looks and feels the part (unlike Brandon Routh who looked more like a Christopher Reeve cosplayer), Amy Adams'Lois wasn't bland like SR Lois and at least I cared about what was going unlike Superman Returns where I felt bored because of how poorly they tried to copy the charm of the Donner film.

Both SR and MOS had medicore scripts but at least MOS was entertaining. Imagine 2 plates of food, one was well made but really bland and less taste while the other was messy and burnt but still tasted good.


So you found the hour of boring melodrama and the second hour of pointless destruction porn that never ends to be entertaining.


It isn't any more boring than the melodrama in Superman Returns, which got a meh reaction from me. As for MOS, yes I did find the movie entertaining, the parts on Krypton were not boring neither were the parts of Clark traveling, nor the scenes with Lois, in fact I didn't find this movie boring whatsoever. Still not a great movie as there are scenes that annoyed me like the tornado scene and the shaky cam in scenes that didn't need it. But at least it got a reaction from me.


Gotta be Superman: The Movie. In Man of Steel, Supes is so incompetent at saving people and preventing disaster he'd be better off find other work.

All good things must come to an end - Chaucer


Incompetent? He saved the world. I'd call that preventing a disaster, wouldn't you?
