christian PROPAGANDA

Aimed at little kiddies. Get 'em while they're young.

Teach them all why it's wrong to be a heathen. Great family entertainment.


"The Small One" has always been promoted as a Christmas program. No hidden agenda. What a comforting lesson for children that "there's a place for each small one, God planned it that way".

"The sun is not kind. God should use a rose-amber spot."


There's a difference from being "christmas" in the secular European holiday tradition, and blatant christian propaganda such as this.

The film is propmoted as a christmas movie, much like Home Alone, only you don't see a virgin riding a donkey in that movie, out to convert the little Heathen kiddies.

Not surprising, given the other indoctrination attempt with Narnia. Get 'em while they're young, or else they'll grow up with their own minds.

We can't have that now, can we?


I love the word propoganda. People use it when something comes out that they don't like. That is fine. I don't have problems with it. However, it amazes me that the people who claim they are most against censorship are the ones who want to censorship the most.

However, if you choose not to go to a movie because of its content, that's fine. Just don't tell me I cannot watch it.

Secondly, films like "Home Alone" are not Christmas movies. They are movies that take place at Christmastime, but they are not Christmas movies. As for the secular European holiday, it has only become a secular holiday since most Europeans are atheists or agnostics, which is fine for me. They can celebrate the holiday anyway they want. Several centuries ago, the religious meaning of Christmas was still celebrated in Europe, not anymore.

However, the bottom-line is, no matter how much people try to secularize Christmas and make it holiday of spending to the max, it is still, at it's core, a Christian holiday, celebrated by Christians to celebrate the birth of Christmas (mas means birth; hence, birth of Christ). Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas. No matter what anyone says, Christmas is first and foremost a religious holiday.

Then there is the little matter of the First Amendment, of which everyone forgets about Clause 2, which states that all those freedoms should not be impinged upon by other people (including the right to worship as one desires). The town square is supposed to be for everyone. They can have a menorah and Muslim symbols in the town square, but not a creche. That to me is not freedom of religion. If there is really supposed to be this separation of church and state, then none of these religious symbols should be in the town square.

There are relatives in my house who don't believe in God. I do not preach to them or try to change their minds. They are entitled to their beliefs. I AM ALSO ENTITLED TO MY BELIEFS AS WELL. It's ridiculous when kids can where symbols of the devil to school, but Christians kids cannot where a cross around their neck if they so choose.

As for "Chronicles of Narnia," the film was a big hit. So, I'm sure both believers and nonbelievers went to see it. The film was also a movie about values, things like loyalty, friendship, hoesty, and faith, things that used to be admired in this country. The First Amendment guarantees the filmmakers the right to make this movie. You have a choice of whether or not to go see it. I'm sure there are people out there who would like to ban C.S. Lewis' books as well, some of those same people who don't believe in censorship. Moreover, "Chronicles of Narnia" is one film with a Christian message, probably the only film that year with a Christian message. How many other films were made the year of "Narnia's" release? How many of those had a Christian message? I don't understand why people would begrudge Christians a night at the movies. You don't have to go see Narnia if you don't like it.

You talk about brainwashing. Some of my relatives talk about brainwashing kids about religion. I replied: "Parents teach their kids their values. Do you consider that brainswashing. If that is the case, then agnostic/atheist parents are brainwashing their kids to be atheists, just as you claim Christians are brainwashing their kids."

I frankly think we need more movies like "Chronicles of Narnia," movies that teach values. I mean, look at all the corporate scandals involving Enron, Arthur Andersen, etc. Don't think for one moment that those crooked executives only cheated on corporate time. If a person cheats in one area, they will cheat in another thing. In fact, cheating and lying seem to be pervasive in our society. I saw a special on TV, where students admitted they cheated on tests so they could get good jobs when came out of school (these were Ivy League Schools). None of them saw anything wrong with that.

I thought values that not stealing, not killing, not cheating, and loving your neighbor were good things to promote. If that is called Propaganda, so be it. Telling people that there is no right or wrong, that everything is permitted, is known as amoral behavior, which seems to be the norm today.

I am not trying to convert everyone. All I'm saying is that Christians have Constitutional rights the same as everyone else, rights that are slowly being impinged on or eroded away. It's ridiculous that no one can say Merry Christmas in stores anymore at Christmastime. Retailers, analysts, and tons of other businesses make tons of money on Christmas each year. THAT DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT CHRISTMAS IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN A RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY, no matter how others choose to celebrate it. If Jesus Christ was not born, there would be no Christmas holiday. There would be no vacation time for the school children. There wouldn't be millions of dollars going into the cash registers of retailers, either.

THE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS: Don't preach to me and tell me what I should watch, and I won't preach to you.




Clause 2, which states that all those freedoms should not be impinged upon by other people (including the right to worship as one desires)

Based on your constitutional interpretation all Satanists can rape and murder because their faith allows them to, thou shalt not impinge accoring to you.... Clearly, this power is not absolute, or my sudden new religion prevents me from paying taxes.

But the constitution is clear: we all have thr right to believe what we want. Pity that same right doesn't extend to children, because parents always convert their children to their faith. If they protested, they'd be punished, and no one could stop them.

f you feel it's blatant Christian propaganda then stay away from it. Before I watch a movie I always check out it's content and rating. Does my choice upset you? Your choice doesn't upset me.

As an adult you're free to make that choice, pity you don't give that same right to your children. You force this upon them, try to brainwash them to convert to your faith. If they resisted, you'd punish them for not being like you.

Whichever way you look at it, religious films aimed at children have but one point: to convert chdilren to christianity to save their heathen souls.

You may as well show them Triumph of the Will.


What is the difference between brainwashing kids to be Christians or brainwashing them to be atheists. Based on what I gather from what you are saying, you think anything parents teach their children is brainwashing. And, the truth of the matter is, Atheism/Agnoticism is a form a religion (a nonreligion). Anything a parent teaches a child could be considered brainwashing, if you consider teaching values to a child brainwashing

If kids were allowed to do whatever they want to do, they would spend most of their time playing and having fun. Kids need guidance from their parents; that's what being a parent means. Do you think parents should not teach their kids any value at all.

The only way not to brainwash them to religion is to expose the children to both points of view, which means exposing them both to church and the outside world. When they grow up, they can decided what's what.

And, since when do children (those under 18) have the full rights of citizenship? The US Constitution protects the rights of citizens, as well as, noncitizens. It is up to the parents to raise their children, not the state, unless you want a gulag State that existed under Stalin. How well does the State protect children's rights, anwyay. In the US, people have a fit is someone spanks a kid five times with their hand, but makes excuses for someone who takes their toddler and bangs his head against a toilet or other hard object. In those cases, the perpetrators of the crime (parent who beat kid) is made out to be a victim.

The media (including TV, radio, and Hollywood) have enough of a brainwashing effect on the kids. Church brings the balance a little more to the other side. As far as protecting Satanism goes, people who worship Satan have more rights than Christians do, with kids not being able to wear crosses to school. I guess that means the Second Clause of the First Amendment doesn't count to them.

You have your freedom of choice to worship or not worship as you please; don't impinge on mind. You seem to begrudge one movie per year with Christian themes at the theater. Well, that movie made a heck of a lot more money than most of the POS Crap released by Hollywood in the past few years. I was an avid moviegoer at one time, but have barely gone this year. And yes, I did go to films that did not have a Christian theme, either, and I enjoyed quite a few. That was at a time when Hollywood made movies for an audience, not to satisfy their own warped needs.

Christmas is still first and foremost a religious holiday, no matter how much it is secularized. Nothing can change that. And, if you don't like Christians, why celebrate their holiday? I've had my fill of this subject.

Take care.


And, as far as brainwashing goes, the



deb deb deb, "christmas" has long been a secular holiday more than it's been a religious one, at least in EUROPE. Almost seems like you want to force jesus onto people who don't want to follow it. YOU do realize that the celebrations used as CHRISTMAS are pagan traditions christians stole (after killing most of them off) like a tree, gifts, etc, and regardless "jesus' birthday" is more around September, not Decemeber. SO it's never really been about worshipping an alleged Messiah.

It is up to the parents to raise their children, not the state, unless you want a gulag State that existed under Stalin

So according to you it would be acceptable to starve a child who didn't want to say grace? Or "ground" a child who refused to go with you to church. You would send them to "straight-camp" to make them not gay. It's all propaganda aimed at converting children to be just like thier parents. We give more rights to non-citizens than we do American children!

Whichever way you face it, you are trying to justify brainwashing children to make them believe the same things you do. And you would punish them if they didn't. Sick.



Septemeber, I'm not saying that there can't be christian cartoons, but it was never ADVERTIZED as a christian cartoon, but a happy, family, CHRISTMAS acrtoon, like Southpark chasing after Santa, not giving up a donkey so a virgin carrying the "son of god" can ride down to a manger.

If you have any doubt about the effects of indoctrination on children, I strongly urge you to watch the film Jesus Camp:


"but a happy, family, CHRISTMAS acrtoon, like Southpark chasing after Santa, not giving up a donkey so a virgin carrying the "son of god" can ride down to a manger."

I know that this is a very old post, but when you take advantage of a religious holiday for days off and getting gifts, you'd better be prepared to face the fact that there are going to be certain specials that emphasise the TRUE, GENUINE, reason for Christmas, which is the BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST. his name is even in the title of the holiday.

and personally,
I think it should become pretty obvious as to what this short is really about very early on. the ancient middle-eastern setting should be a dead give away that Santa Claus will be no where to be seen.

Don't look into the Death Star, or you will die.



Leave my babies "Home Alone" while I attended church? That is against the law.

Great argument. You should bring your children to the track, too, better them seeing daddy gambling than be left at home alone, right? Or how about taking them in a Bar? Better them seeing daddy drunk than being left at home - it's against the law to leave them at home, so take them with you wherever you go. Asshat.

No 'religion' has the right to promote anything that impinges upon the laws that protect society.

The law being the first Ammendment, guaranteeing freedom of religion.

You can take your own personal example any way you want, but famailies do teach their kids that christ is the only way, force the kids to go to bible camp, and then HOMESCHOOL the kids to protect them from the evil science loving teachers? 80% of homeschool kids are evangelical - with an evangelical curriculum - how is that not forcing religion onto kids? I urge you to see the movie JESUS CAMP and what this type of indoctrination can do to a chilld's psyche.



For God (or whomever)'s sake people!

See it's always about your god, isn't it?

This is a kid's movie, not "Passion of the Christ"

Exactly preaching to children - get them while they're young, when they can't think for themselves and believe whatever fairytale man has concocted. But for the record, the Passion was made for kids - Mel re-cut his film to make a "children's version." Still feel the same way?

but I still see and appreciate the message in this cute moving story.

The main element of christianity is believe in jesus or burn in hell. I don't see good in such a hateful, divisive message. Do you?


The main element of christianity is believe in jesus or burn in hell. I don't see good in such a hateful, divisive message. Do you?

Exactly, I don't see the good in this message either, thank you for saying that killswitch. But that is NOT by any means a main element of christianity at all, ...Jehova's witnesses maybe. It's you who are spreading this message of hate, embellishing christianity to your own mould to give your own words pejorative weight, and then showing the world how much you hate a group of people that included members who abolished slavery, created a huge movement of civil rights, and fed millions of hungry and homeless people (and are still feeding). You've really spread enough anti-christian "propaganda" around, what irony.

Exactly preaching to children

what do you think christians are? predators? we all "preach" to children. The Chinese "preach" Confucian traditions to children, Buddhists tell children to meditate, atheists tell children to reject religion. If bringing children up according to how we lived our lives is "preaching," so be it. Unless you want to throw kids into the wild to be raised by wolves, safely away from any human "indoctrination." I'll tell you this, I would be very wary of letting children anywhere remotely near your severe ideas.


But that is NOT by any means a main element of christianity at all

I ask you to think and know your facts before you open your mouth. If you'd read the hateful book christians pride themselves on, or even seen a christian preacher in church or on tv, you'd know that the MAIN PRINCIPLE OF CHRISTIANITY is that jesus is th the only way - any of don't (and I assume that includes both you and me) believe in jesus will burn in hell.

Even Mel Gibson condemned his own wife to hell!

George Bush and Condy Rice believe in the rapture - where all christians are lifted up into heaven while jesus inflicts suffering on those heathen non-christians left-behind. Then when "he" returns and sends any non-christians who are still alive down into hell with a single word. Loving?

You seem to think this is limited to only JW's, but this is a main tenement of christianity. That's why historically, christians thought it was their job to "christianize the world" to save heathen souls.

Now to quote from the nook they love so much:

John 14:6 And jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

If you have any more quiestions, see this link: it confirms everything I've said.

But don't take my word for it.

Ask a christian you know whether atheists will go to heaven; whether muslims or jews will too.

There you'll have your answer.


Ask a christian you know whether atheists will go to heaven; whether muslims or jews will too.

There you'll have your answer.

I believe they'll all go to Heaven if they're good people. And by good I mean they do the right thing, show a little compassion and acceptance, don't kill and steal and all that.

And guess what?

I'm Catholic.


1) MAIN PRINCIPLE OF CHRISTIANITY is that jesus is th the only way - any of don't (and I assume that includes both you and me) believe in jesus will burn in hell.

see that's where you're wrong. ever heard of purgatory (limbo)?

2)Even Mel Gibson condemned his own wife to hell!

who cares what Mel thinks? He doesn't represent christianity.

3)George Bush and Condy Rice believe in the rapture - where all christians are lifted up into heaven while jesus inflicts suffering on those heathen non-christians left-behind. Then when "he" returns and sends any non-christians who are still alive down into hell with a single word. Loving?

wrong again. No one knows what will exactly happen. Ask any theologian and they'll tell you that the understanding of doctrine is imperfect and if you know your facts, Christians are also part of those who are left behind to endure the tribulations. infants-christians or nonchristians, are raptured due to their innocence. Tribulations doens't mean hell, it is physical punishment for sins, after that comes the judgement.

4)You seem to think this is limited to only JW's, but this is a main tenement of christianity. That's why historically, christians thought it was their job to "christianize the world" to save heathen souls.

so how can they "hate" when they're trying to "save?" (SOME christians are evil and you can bet they won't reach heaven either)

5)Haha, wrong thrice. Jesus did say that only through him one can get to the father. He also said that He's here to heal the sick, those who are not ill do not need Him. What's wrong with that? Jesus is a representation of the acknowledgement of sin. If you accept that you've done wrong, God is just and He knows. If you did no wrong, God also knows. If you read the Book of Romans carefully, you'll know that Non christians can reach paradise as well.

I have plenty of christian friends. I also have plenty of pastor friends, they all say that yes, there are indeed ways for muslims and jews to go to heaven. It seems the only one who is saying otherwise is you.


Well, I won't bother because you're so resigned into thinking christians are perfect little creatures who do no wrong. You've proved to me you know nothing about what christians really think. I suggest you ask people if muslims go to heaven. There is a difference between what you THINK they believe, and what they BIBLE actually says and what their PASTORS believe.

Trying to "save" someone by condemning them to hell for not believing in your god is a good thing? Heil Hitler is shouted in your face and you;d smile with pride and rethink ways to enact the final phase of your master plan.

You completely disregard the fact that the post powerful man in the world (Bush) believes in the rapture. That MOST CHRISTIANS (70% of christians think the world is less than 6,000 years old) and the MAJORITY think that non-christians burn in hell.

Christians think they have the "truth" and it's their job to educate the world to save people's soul.

The person above who said that "if people are good they'll go to heaven" is really not thinking with her bible in hand. Your bible makes it quite clear, that non-christians burn in hell, and that "no one is perfect" to your god, and that "we were put here on earth to worship him."

I shall put you on ignore, because trying to have a conversation with a person who refuses to see christian bigotry for what it is is pointless.

Either way I work out better - if christians are right, I get an eternity away from them. If heaven is full of people like you, I'd gladly burn in hell.

Ever hear the phrase, jesus is the one "true" god.

You may want to look at this:

Unless deep down you're afraid of the answers?

And to the above poster - your nazi pope thinks non-christians burn in hell. Still respect your Catholocism?


1)Well, I won't bother because you're so resigned into thinking christians are perfect little creatures who do no wrong.

Anyone who thinks that any human being is a "perfect little creatures" who "do no wrong" is a retard. If Christians are perfect by definition, they needn't be christian, think about that Killswitch.

2)You've proved to me you know nothing about what christians really think.

Funny, that is exactly the thing YOU'VE been proving to the rest of us. And YOU know what Christians really think? Are you so arrogant as to suppose the intentions of other people (quoting Shyamalan)? What monstrous egotism. One ad hominem statement against another, fair enough.

3)I suggest you ask people if muslims go to heaven.

I have and I've only gotten vague and "I'm not sure" and "impossible to be sure" and "'tis a mystery" answers.

4)There is a difference between what you THINK they believe, and what they BIBLE actually says and what their PASTORS believe.

Are you trying to be ironical? Funny that is also exactly my point. What pastors do you talk to? Which Bible do you read? The Killswitch edition? Which "Christianity" are you talking about? Protestantism or Catholicism? Or Killswitchism?

5)Trying to "save" someone by condemning them to hell for not believing in your god is a good thing?

No, trying to "save" someone by telling them to remember that their sins are now washed by a man willing to die for them and they can start new lives is a good thing. Christians aren't the ones condemning. It's God Himself.

6)Heil Hitler is shouted in your face and you;d smile with pride and rethink ways to enact the final phase of your master plan.

I got no idea why hitler is dragged into this. It doesn't even give your stance any pejorative weight.

7)You completely disregard the fact that the post powerful man in the world (Bush) believes in the rapture.

No, I'm the most powerful man in the world, except I'm actually a woman. Who gives a damn about what Bush believes? He can kiss my ass.

8)That MOST CHRISTIANS (70% of christians think the world is less than 6,000 years old) and the MAJORITY think that non-christians burn in hell.

100% of muslims think the world is less than 6000 years old. 100% of Buddhists think we come back as different people after we die over and over again. 100% of shinto priests think that rock in your backyard is a God named Yarudononakanogami (don't we love stats). What has this got to do with anything? No the MAJORITY thinks that non-Christians MIGHT BE in jeopardy of being condemned. Kuso, as if I don't have any Christian friends...

9)Christians think they have the "truth" and it's their job to educate the world to save people's soul.

No, God is the only one whose job it is to save anyone. Ask any priest K, He could do without people easily. Any group of people who think they have the "truth" think its their job to tell and rebuke the world. Do you think YOU have the "truth" then? Aren't you trying to tell the world and "rebuke" it as well?

10)Your bible makes it quite clear, that non-christians burn in hell,

No, it's not clear. The Bible is a laughably vague book full of seeming contradictions. Jesus said one thing and Paul said another.

11) and that "no one is perfect" to your god,


12) and that "we were put here on earth to worship him."

Suh, so?

13)I shall put you on ignore, because trying to have a conversation with a person who refuses to see christian bigotry for what it is is pointless.

It is you who remain blind to your own bigotry towards "MOST" and "MAJORITY" of Christians. I also would not call anything written by you a "conversation." MOre like needless accusations and dismissals and ad hominem and bitter statements toward other members of the forum.

14)Either way I work out better - if christians are right, I get an eternity away from them. If heaven is full of people like you, I'd gladly burn in hell.

So all Christians are people so evil that you cannot stand in their presence? You're "cutting them off from thy house?" In this era when Connection is hard to come by, you're severing more possible connections? Can't you see that even IF christians are INDEED the way you say they are, you're doing the exact same thing? By condemning them as bigots and evil and inciting a "hell" of hatred to rise and wrap itself around them? For that IS your purpose, is it not? (not that your words actually has this much power but you get the point). But alas, how unBuddhist of me to judge you, nevermind.

15)ever hear the phrase, Jesus is the one "true" god.

Ever hear the phrase: submission to Allah? or Jihad? or Kim Jong Il? or Darfur? There are far greater and more immediate enemies out there than Christianity. I'm sure there are many Christians that are horrible people, but what good will come from inciting more hate in a world oh so already full of it?

16) Under Christianity, no one deserves eternal life. If you dislike such doctrine, you don't have to be Christian. But hating them and labeling them as bigots are not only wrong but completely frivolous. EVery religion has parts that seem har dto stomach. Why attack only one group of people?

P.S. given your statement with hitler and me "smiling", I'd say you're not only bigoted against Christians, but non Christians as well, in fact, any one who has a different opinion than you.



I know this is an old post but I really don't deem this to be Christian propaganda. I loved this movie when I was a child and I've been an atheist for 10 years. So if it was propaganda, it certainly wasn't successful. However, this movie did turn me into a proponent for animal adoption so I suppose some influence came out of it :)

"Don't cry for me, I'm already dead."


I watched this movie all the time when I was a child and it never occurred to me then that this was a Christian themed movie. I'm watching it again now for the first time in years and am just recognizing the Nativity story references in the end, again that I didn't notice when I was young. And regardless of the Christian theme, it is still a very good show with a good moral for kids of any background.


Wow... I uh... yeah. This is an old... angry thread I see. I just came on here to see if people knew where to get this movie and I see this hate being thrown around. Huh?

Propaganda? Ya know... this movie... didn't really state anything christian wise. before you leap down my throat hear me out! Did they preach to us at all? No... they simply told a true story with a entertaining little story wrapped around it.

So it's not really Christian Propaganda as the OP stated, it's a story about true events with fictional characters thrown in there for a family feel and "cute factor".

Yeah... uh... I just felt like sayin that... even though the people who originally posted will never see this. heh, oh well.


> Propaganda? Ya know... this movie... didn't really state anything christian wise. before you leap down my throat hear me out! Did they preach to us at all? No... they simply told a true story with a entertaining little story wrapped around it. <

I'm *not* against this movie, but I remember at least a year ago when I saw this on TV and looked it up, there was a reviewer in the IMDb comments that wasn't happy that they ended up being surprised by the ending that the story leads into a Christian story. How much more Christian does it get than the donkey being the one Joseph bought for Mary to ride on while the baby Jesus is in her stomach, just a few days or less from being born?

And "wrapped around it", well, that just shows how that IMDb comment I mentioned felt that it surprised them. And it also sounds sneaky by "wrapped around", since it's like tricking someone.

> So it's not really Christian Propaganda as the OP stated, it's a story about true events with fictional characters thrown in there for a family feel and "cute factor". <

Well, no offence, but the "true events" could be argued, technically.

> Yeah... uh... I just felt like sayin that... even though the people who originally posted will never see this. heh, oh well. <

At least they stopped arguing. There was some peace on Earth.


How come the troll threads are always the longest ones? OP is a loser! Ignore him!

"I don't have time for your convenient ignorance." - Agent Scully


You seem like a really sad person.

Stuff like this reminds me of "Movie Poop" from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.



I vhighly respect your family busby, may God bless you and them. Also try to talk your grandpa into becoming Christian if you can. I actually have a friend who's whole family is Christian except for his father. But their a loving family anyway.

Jesus loves you no matter what race, whether your straight or gay. He will save you no matter what.


Just wait until you say something busybody59 doesn't agree with and he starts with the name calling like he has done with me. If he would simply address the issues instead of calling people trolls maybe he would actually get someone to listen to him.


I vhighly respect your family busby, may God bless you and them. Also try to talk your grandpa into becoming Christian if you can.

I guess people don't have a right not to accept jesus?

