Funniest line in the movie!

"The dress is an original Dior, and you've got sen-sational legs"! by Claude Russo and then Sellers starts checking out his legs after Russo drives off-- *beep* halarious!


That one was great and Claude was played perfectly, but the best line for me was uttered by the 'lush'ous Diane cannon when she said, "Something's comming".
She was reffering to one of the poor, mangled, handy salesmen at the bombing..but the delivery of the line was so dead pan it always makes me laugh.


-peek a beu
-Pumpenze Airen in ze parrot....
-Naughten birden...
-I am not your ordinary, run of the mill transvestite
-Sixteen chests on a dead man's rum, yo-ho-ho and a bottle of the chest..."
-Spaghetti, Al Pacino
-Viva zapata
-What else does she do
-Tanya the easter lotus
-And another round eye bites the dust
-I am a little short
-Thank heavens for little girls
-remeber that when duty call you have balls
-he has received the faints
-we will leave that to the grat balls
-i have received considerable soak also
-tahr she blows
-many linen in the handen
-i am working under the covers
-swine leg
-warm up the silver hornet



"We must see...the great Beulls."

Top notch.


"20 years on devil's island is no chicken feed either, my greedy little yellow pimp" or something to that effect.


that Swedish captain was hilarious


"Just think yellow and follow me".

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



"You know, my name..."


For me any scene with Dyane Cannon she was just having way to much fun making this movie you could tell. But the scene that cracked me up the most was when they were drinking the brandy in her room. They kept filling the glasses. She has two hands one to Peter Sellers and says "This one is for you" he looks at the two in his hands and says "Oh this one must be yours" she still ends up with Two Glasses then continues to drink from bout the rest of the scene. She delivered that so dead on. Cracked me up tonight for the biggest laugh of the movie.

Then later on during the Firework warehouse Her Ex Boss asked her "What you doing here" "Oh I'm just waiting for the firecrackers to go off" "What Firecrackers?" "The ones I just put down your Pants" LOL

There is more Gravy about you then the Grave. Scrooge.


The fireworks scene, quoted verbatim:

Simone: "Hello, Philippe!"
Douvier: "Simone, what the hell are you doing here?
Simone: "I'm waiting for the firecrackers to go off."
Douvier: "What firecrackers?"
Simone: "The ones I just stuck in your pants!"

I love that scene, too!



"A naked American man stole my balloons!"



Clouseau: It's me.

Dreyfus: I know.

"Someone has been tampering with Hank's memories."


Is that net?


One of my more favorite lines is right after he's introduced to Tanya, the Lotus Eater (the dominatrix in the Chinese nookie factory), she snaps her whip around his neck and pulls him into the bedroom.

I warn you, Tanya the Easter Lotus, I am opposed to the womens libs. Man is the master! And womens place is in the home!

Just as he finishes the lines she shuts the door and you hear her cracking her whip followed by Clouseau screaming loudly.


Dreyfus finds the not-so-dead Clouseau hiding in his closet. - "Peek-a-bieu?"


Simone says "oh my god"
Clouseau says "I know - it's not a very good picture"
