kiddie porn or not

well what do you guys think?


I dont think its porn if she is just naked, but if there are scenes with someone else caressing her then it could be porn. I have however seen it in video stores. Anybody ever see David Hamilton films? 14 year old girls running around naked, showering and washing each other, playfully caressing each other, that sounds borderline porn but they get away with calling it art.


Oh yea, I dont get how anybody can say she looks good or sexy in this, she has the body of an adolescent. I could see the argument if she had curves at that age. I dont judge, but if you think an adolescent looks sexy or good than you sound like a pedo.










I get the sense that they were trying to go as close to the line as they could get.

Not much protection for children Hollywood.


of course it is.

is it graphic? nah.

the use if the word "porn" will throw everyone off though. do they show shields having sex? no. do they show anyone having sex in what is labeled "softcore porn"... some, but some not.

it isn't normal to see a teen (or tween or pre-teen) that is not your child, naked... and certainly not normal for them to be a prostitute. the entire prostitution thing keeps this below board.


Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!


"it isn't normal to see a teen (or tween or pre-teen) that is not your child, naked"
I'm guessing you've never been to a beach in Europe


Of course not. Nudity does not equal pornography.




Someone string up this little sh*t.



Oh big surprise, he's a Nazi.


Kiddy porn, hollywood loves abusing children.
