MovieChat Forums > Halloween (1978) Discussion > Why is this movie considered a classic?

Why is this movie considered a classic?

I've watched this movie twice now, and I can't seem to find anything that suggests this movie deserves a place amongst the horror classics. Can this movie even be considered in the horror genre honestly??

What an ablsolute waste of time this movie was!


It is one of the best horror classics in history. I was 8 when this movie was released, ended up seeing it when I was 10 on HBO. It scared the crap outta me.Those were different times back then when movie directors were creative and thought outside the box. Today most horror movies are either too predictable or rely way too much on gore.

Halloween 1978
Halloween II 1981
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978)
Friday The 13th 1980
Black Christmas 1974
Psycho 1960

They just don't make those type of movies anymore. Those are "Classics"

The only horror movie that came somewhat close to those types was The Strangers 2008. Very creepy movie and not too shabby for this day in age.


Totally agree with all that. Never really got into Black Christmas, though.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN



There's one coming out soon, or just came out that looks scary. Got great reviews too. Can't think of the name.

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.



Don't Breathe. That's it. It does look good.

RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Lights Out?

Ben-Hur2016 10/10 BvS Ultimate Edition10/10 Suicide Squad 9/10 Terminator Genisys9/10


Thanks Barney, checking out It Follows now. And I definitely want to see Don't Breathe.



I just watched Halloween for the first time, and was thinking the exact same thing. It seems to me that most people who regard it as a classic either watched it as a kid or watched it when it was released.

6/10 from me.


Well, obviously. The movie is almost 40 years old. You do realize the technological, storytelling advances since then right? Not to mention half those movies between now and then would not be made much less seen if not for Halloween kicking down that door? Not to mention the hundreds of movies you've seen inbetween now and then since you're just watching a 40 year old movie for the first time? Apples and oranges. Sheer number alone will desensitize you to it. Halloween has no blood, gore, super inventive kills. It's simple. These movies after had to up their game because of Halloween.

So logically, yes, Halloween a relevant 40 year old movie that paved the way for the movies you've seen in your lifetime is a classic. If not for Halloween what you've seen wouldn't exist.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


Still, there are some movies (such as Alien, off the top of my head) which have influenced a ton of movies but are still enjoyable for first-time viewers today. Whether a movie is enjoyable or not will of course vary from person to person, but for me Halloween was not very scary, and I would definitely rate it below other "classics" such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Then again, as I mentioned in my other post, I think when you watch a movie plays a big part in whether you will enjoy it or not, especially when it comes to horror. I was 8 years old when Scream came out, and I love those movies (at least the first two). And yes, I know that Scream was influenced by Halloween and a bunch of other movies, but to me influencing other movies shouldn't be enough. A classic should have some "timelessness" to it that I didn't feel when watching Halloween.

Luckily people are different, and so are their taste in movies, so everyone doesn't have to agree on everything.


True. But remember, Alien came out after Halloween. After Star Wars and Star Trek too where Sci Fi and space movies took off. Everything influences something. Psycho influenced HAlloween.

Opinions are fine, but there are no disputing the facts. As was said, budget, indie rookie film makers and it went on to be one of the highest grossing independent films of all time. That alone should tell you people consider it a classic. It also does so well in re-releases it comes out around Halloween almost every year and expect a big showing in 218 for the 40th. Bottom line, it can be generational, it can be taken lightly by today's standards, but there is no denying the impact it had. That's a fact. As long as opinions are informed ones and not just off the cuff "it's boring" "I don't get it" millenials or even 90s kids, then that's one thing. But if that's where your opinion is grounded, there are reasons behind it.

1978 films by 2016 standards logic just doesn't work.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


you may just not like the movie, even if you saw it 30 or more years ago. not everyone liked it back then

it still is a classic for when it came out and what it influenced

plus i bet more people liked it than hated it

Ben-Hur2016 10/10 BvS Ultimate Edition10/10 Suicide Squad 9/10 Terminator Genisys9/10


Look at the budget, shooting time the actors wearing their own clothes. No movie has spent so little and achieved so much.

Then there is the story Why did a normal everyday child in a 'Leave it to Beaver' sort of world turn pyscho killer.

That is why Zombie's version sucked so much.

- - - -
Every person on IMDb has perfect grammar except me



I understand why HALLOWEEN is considered a classic, and I'm not even a big fan of it.

As much as I disliked the ubiquitous-but-artless slasher movie genre of the '80s, or the gorier entries of more recent decades, HALLOWEEN was the film that got those '80s teen slasher movies going.

Except, in keeping with '70s cinema, there was more of a sense of atmosphere and paranoid mood in HALLOWEEN, as opposed to the basic blood-n-bodycounts approach of later years.

No, HALLOWEEN was too low budget to be terribly artful, and not sadistic enough to satisfy gorehounds from the SAW era, nor was it quite as fetishy as its LAURA MARS/DRESSED TO KILL contemporaries.

But HALLOWEEN is a good example of how, sometimes, less is more.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


People were much simpler back then. Didn't need as much.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


As the years went by and audiences became more desensitized Carpenter had to step up his game.

His first cut of The Fog was apparently much like Halloween in terms of pacing and hardly any gore. But audiences were bored by it. So they had to do reshoots and act more blood and frights. Though by today's standards The Fog isn't even remotely scary.



Neither is Halloween, really.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


True, but I find it more creepy than The Fog. At least I used to when I much younger!



Okay. I guess.

Movie Theater: Young Frankenstein 10/10. RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time.


Lol. Your post only illuminates your lack of knowledge and experience. Please return when you have more of both.
