MovieChat Forums > Suspiria (1977) Discussion > IMDb rating of 7.5? Really, people?

IMDb rating of 7.5? Really, people?

So let me get this straight. 35,000 IMDb'ers have weighed in and voted on this film, for an aggregate rating of 7.5 on a scale of 1 to 10?

The 10 is supposed to mean a perfect film, and the 1 is a horrible film that you wish you'd never seen!
Did people just not understand how the scale works?
Or were lots of people just voting based on (clearly faulty) memories from having seen the film a long time ago (while drunk and blasted out of their minds on drugs)?


Makes sense, in the digital age. If every time Christopher Nolan points and shoots with naturalistic lighting the movie automatically gets countless 10s before premiere, no way a unique movie like Suspiria, a classic of its genre expertly shot and scored, would deserve a good rating.
