MovieChat Forums > Suspiria (1977) Discussion > IMDb rating of 7.5? Really, people?

IMDb rating of 7.5? Really, people?

So let me get this straight. 35,000 IMDb'ers have weighed in and voted on this film, for an aggregate rating of 7.5 on a scale of 1 to 10?

The 10 is supposed to mean a perfect film, and the 1 is a horrible film that you wish you'd never seen!
Did people just not understand how the scale works?
Or were lots of people just voting based on (clearly faulty) memories from having seen the film a long time ago (while drunk and blasted out of their minds on drugs)?


Seems about fair to me. While it's definently not a horrible movie, it's not the perfect movie fans proclaim it is. Yes the color pallet is absolutely gorgeous to look at, the kills are very imaginative, and the score by Goblin is certainly memorable, the dubbed dialog really brings it down and the final confrontation between Susie and the Mother of Sorrows was over too quickly and easily and it made for a very anti-climatic ending.


I'd say it deserves something closer to 4 or 5.


I'd say it deserves something closer to 8 or 9.

I miss the red spoiler tags.


I'd be happy with 6.

Frankly, it's a tough film to rate and you have to go with your gut really. I reckon I'm possibly just more of a Fulci guy than an Argento guy though.



It is DEFINITELY a horrible film.


My friends and I watch this every Halloween as we think it is the most hilarious movie we've ever seen.It's so bad it's good...know what I mean.


What a way to waste a good Halloween.


Typical egocentric viewpoint. Just because you don't like a film, you assume that you're rating is more accurate. This is exactly why they use an mean rating, because the people who hate, love and like or dislike a film will come up with average score.

Nothing is more annoying than "This film should be rated higher/lower. Well it is, and as you are not be all and end all of movie reviews, your opinion doesnt matter bryond you one score among many.


Yes, I agree with you. It's one of my pet peeves when people call a movie "overrated" just because they don't like it. As if they think the people who do like it are wrong because their opinion is superior to anyone else's. I personally think this film is great and it's one of my favorites.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!




A classic film, in my book, transcends nationality.
And if Suspiria is representative of classic Italian horror film, I think I will pass on that genre.


Lucio Fulci's Italian horror films are rather different.


How dare people like or love a movie that you do not. How dare people have opinions.


I know! The nerve!


I rated it an 8 and held myself back. It's absolutely one of my favorite films of all time, across genres. I adore it.

I always watch it Halloween night (I just finished it) and it's the third time I've watched it this October alone.


My word! Surely you have better things to do with your time?

So many movies, so little time


I'm finished with it until next October. Horror films are my favorite, so during October, I watch a buttload of movies; pretty much work/movies/sleep/work/movies/sleep.


I hear ya! I do also. So many I haven't seen as I haven't had the time in the past few years. Finally, life has slowed and I'm making up for lost time.

I just watched Hellraiser for the very first time. Wasn't impressed but maybe I've become jaded as the 70's horror flicks are my favorite. Maybe I should give Suspiria another chance?


I don't care for Hellraiser, either.

I love '70's Euro horror films. "Suspiria" is kind of artsy and that may not be what you like, but maybe wait a couple of months and try it again? In the meantime, see if you can find "Short Night of Glass Dolls" and "The Devil's Nightmare" - a couple of my favorites, though I'd warn you to beware if overdubbing bothers you.

I do enjoy a lot of gothic horror as well. For me, a beautifully filmed movie can overcome an average story and average performances.


I hear ya! I do also. So many I haven't seen as I haven't had the time in the past few years. Finally, life has slowed and I'm making up for lost time.

I just watched Hellraiser for the very first time. Wasn't impressed but maybe I've become jaded as the 70's horror flicks are my favorite. Maybe I should give Suspiria another chance?


I feel you!

If you read some of the reviews, you get a sense of the kinds of people that adore this movie. Some of the best comments from 10 ratings: "Suspiria" may not always make perfect sense plot wise (ya think?) ; He scares us with the rain, the closing of an automatic airport door, and loose tree branches that resemble evil lurking beings. ( rain and automatic doors are terrifying! No really, they are)

You get my point. The lovers of this movie are obdurate in their adoration and it's a little creepy.....


A neat little scary part, re the doors...when she first walks through, she has her back to the camera and the wind blows her scarf ends up around her throat and over her shoulders. They have that inflatable-wavy-arms-man look, and for a split-second, it actually looks like she's being attacked.

It's those little kinds of thrills that make this such a good film.


I saw the movie back in 1977 on it's first U.S release, and thought it was ok, (though I had the main theme in my head for days) but when it was finally, officially issued on VHS, I appreciated it so much more. The Anchor Bay three disc set is great, but I can't wait for the Blu-Ray!.


Argento shamelessly went for broke with this one. Over-the-top soundtrack and a bizarre visual palette. No movie of his is this over-the-top and I just loved it. There was an utter lack of subtlety and the brutality was offset by the beauty in execution.

The climactic showdown was a bit too short but otherwise the movie is fantastic.


I'd rate it higher than 7.5, but you're acting like its a low rating. That's quite a strong rating. If it were 6.5 you'd have a point, but not with 7.5
