MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Star Wars: A New Hope - The Most Frequen...

Star Wars: A New Hope - The Most Frequently Asked Questions ANSWERED

0:00 Intro
0:14 How did the Devastator track the Tantive IV?
0:55 Why didn't the Imperials shoot the escape pod?
1:29 What do Jawas look like under their hoods?
1:56 Did Owen forget C-3PO?
2:50 Did C-3PO not know who Leia was?
3:30 Why did Owen hate Obi-Wan?
4:13 Why did Luke want to go to the Imperial Academy?
5:01 Why did no one change Luke's last name?
5:51 Why did Obi-Wan age so much so fast?
6:28 Did Obi-Wan forget R2-D2?
7:23 Did Obi-Wan forget R4-P17?
8:08 Did Leia forget Obi-Wan?
9:03 Why did Darth Vader take orders from Tarkin?
9:53 Did Tarkin know who Darth Vader really was?
10:43 Did Boba Fett kill Owen and Beru?
11:23 Why weren't droids allowed in the cantina?
12:06 Why did Ponda Baba's arm bleed?
12:26 Are parsecs a unit of time or distance?
13:13 Who shot first?
14:19 Why does Leia have a British accent in one scene?
14:58 Why does Han have a training remote?
15:35 Why was there a dianoga on the Death Star?
16:17 Why were there giant pits in the Death Star?
16:54 How does gravity work on the Death Star?
17:30 Why was Kenobi and Vader's lightsaber duel so slow?
18:22 What happened to Obi-Wan's lightsaber?
19:02 Why did Leia lead the Empire back to Yavin 4?
19:42 What's this Rebel sentry doing?
20:19 Where was Mon Mothma in A New Hope?
20:59 Who is "Fake Wedge?"
21:51 Why did the Death Star have to orbit Yavin?
22:39 Why didn't the Death Star destroy Yavin?
23:22 How did Luke know how to fly an X-Wing?
24:02 Why don't X and Y-Wings use Aurebesh?
24:32 Where are the U-Wings?
25:21 Where is the Death Star trench?
25:46 Who is the other Y-Wing survivor?
26:30 Why didn't Chewbacca get a medal?
27:40 Why didn't Wedge Antilles get a medal?
28:23 What do BBY and ABY stand for?
