andy kaufman?????

i had to rewind the part with the parade because i thought the police officer looked too much like andy kaufman, then i looked it up and it was really him! weirrrrrd!!!



OH my God, I am really high right now and watching this on Net Flix and thought the same thing, first I though it was due to the pot but then I looked it up and its him!

He reminds me, (maybe its because Im high) of the police man in Batman Dark Night who shoots the commissioner. dont you think?


Wait. I'm still not sure. Are you high?


Andy's part should have been bigger. He gave one of the best performances of the film. The depth of subtlety in his delivery of the vague grin, vacant stare and the wonderful line, "God told me to."

It was about 30 seconds combined screen time, but that 30 seconds told a powerful story.



It's too bad he didn't get credited in the movie. As small as his role is, he's really not bad. A kook playing a man who goes coo-coo.


He was in the end credits. Just not the initial credits.

 Sometimes life is like asking strangers for directions to the Susquehanna Hat Company.


Watching this film right now on TCM cult classics and thought I spotted Andy Kaufman too. Had to look it up and sure enough, it was him. His first film gig and it definitely wasn't comedy. Robert Drivas was also in this film in one of his last screen appearances, a great actor gone too soon.


that's what i thought, i thought, is that andy kauffman??? it wasn't him though, my 2nd look at him showed me it's not him. that guy just looks like andy kaufman.
