Organist at Devil's Tower labdubg

Who plays the organist at the Devil's Tower landing? I don't know f he;s listed in the credits.


You watching this right now? That scene is on now on TCM as you posted.


I found his name on the iMDB credits, Phil Dobbs.


He was an employee of the company they rented the synthesized/organ from, MOOG, the filming was taking too long and he almost lost his job for it. (This was mentioned in the Bob Balaban book "Spielberg, Truffaut and Me.")

I'll be in my bunk



Arp, not Moog.


His name was Philip Dodds. He was originally brought on to set up and manage the Arp 2500 synthesizer. Spielberg liked the way he looked so he gave him the part of the Arp musician. Sadly, he died in 2007.

