MovieChat Forums > The Car (1977) Discussion > Nothing in the film tops the opening sce...

Nothing in the film tops the opening scene..

I have always loved the opening scene where the two cyclists perish. I thought it was very eerie and ominous and well-shot. If the film could have maintained the same tone throughout as this scene, It could have been a classic.

Instead it kind of went in all directions which didn't really work. Clearly the car they used didn't go very fast. Cause in shots where the car is doing high-speed, the camera has clearly been sped up which gives it a rather comical look. Almost looks like a road-runner cartoon. Also the scene where the car flips got more of a laugh than anything else.

What they should have done was kept the body count down, made the characters more likable and maintained the chilling tone from the opening. But sadly...not to be.

Dont get me wrong, I still like the film. But my point could have been much better with some changes.


I agree with you. The hit and run sequence with the two cyclists is very well done, with those POW shots from the car and the ominous music getting louder as the car gets closer to the teenagers, and then lots of close-ups and fast cutting as the tension mounts.
A film I quite enjoy despite of its weak moments and many goofs.


I thought it was the weakest scene. They clearly could have gotten off their bikes at any point and ducked down one of the trails in Zion. They are shown riding right past turnouts in order to stay in the car's path.


I agree. For me it hits bottom in the awful scene were the car shows up at parade practice. Comparing that scene to the opening, and it feels like two different directors did those two scenes.



I think the best scene is when the car drives into the house and kills Lauren. It happens so quickly that it makes you wonder "Did that really just happen?" And since she's such a likable, funny character and so close to the lead I thought there was no way they'd kill her off. So it was really shocking and kind of stung a little.


For me, it’s at the very beginning right before the cyclists are killed. The beginning credits are covering part of the screen. Then, you see an object in the distance moving slowly, faster, and dust spurts from the ground.It’s so creepy and gets me every time. The movie is available to buy on Amazon Prime.
Also, I love your explanation about the cyclists and that’s pretty creepy, too. Some people have a problem with this movie, but I like it!!!
