MovieChat Forums > Soap (1977) Discussion > creepy moments in this series

creepy moments in this series

I'm not particularly squeamish, but there are a number of scenes that give me the creeps.

1. Peter's murder. That knife is frightening.
2. When the announcer explains that Jessica did not kill Peter, but who may have.
3. When Mary is confronted about who the true father of Danny is.
4. Concerns about the flying alien baby.


My dad loved this show when I was little and watched it all the time, so I caught bits of it, a time or two. Corrine's "demon baby" used to scare the holy **** out of me. I also remember something about a "talking wall," but I'm probably wrong about that. Probably from a different show. I'm an adult and I LOVE the show now, but I've also found that the scene where Elaine dies in Danny's arms always creeps me out whenever I see it.


When I was about 11, I used to watch the reruns on Comedy Central, and the first time I saw Burt being abducted, it scared the *beep* out of me. Something about that bright light taking him up, then all of a sudden...nothing there.

I recently watched the episode on Antenna TV, and found it a little less creepy, although it was now due to the primitive special effects. 1970s SFX still have that effect on me. Charming, yet creepy. On a similar note, the closing credits of the season 2 finale is kinda creepy, with the four characters in a "quad-box" as the credits roll.

The freeze frame of Jessica in front of the firing squad also creeped the hell out of me.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.


I think I can top you guys. I was "9" when SOAP debuted and a feww weeks from age 13 when uit ended.

My mother made no issues about me watching anything,so I saw the whole thing. (Which I just did again on DVD's from the library).

So,yes,just likee some of you,I got major chills (prickley feelings) during certain scenes,that I most likely should not have been watching.

1. Peter's grizzly murder is the first time on a sitcom (and I
think only time) we see someone actually killed (fictional as it is of course).

2. It was a surprise when they said Jessica didn't do it as the ywere taking her away. I always thought it was Chester and I was right. I thought making Jodie or Burt a suspect was laughable. What would it have to do with Jodie and why would Burt kill his own son?

3. The posessed baby was defintly a send up of the movies,"The Omen","The Exorcist" and even "Rosemary's Baby". The only thing I did laugh at (being so creepe out then) is when Corrine says "Oh,.my God" and the baby says "Don't say that!" "I hate that"!

4. The family vanishing in the basement? You bet! Especially that weird music when Dutch grabs Jessica & she drps the candle.

5. Burt's abducion by the UFO,when the light come down and he dissapears,oof!

I will say this,in the 1980-1981 season,I find the show far more deprseeing than funny. Burt had become a jerk,I was tired of Chester and Danny had actually become stupider.

happipuppi13 *arf,man!*!


Just watched the season 3 finale, where Jessica flatlines in the hospital (did they ever reveal what severe illness she had?). The still shot of her lying in bed with her eyes closed is another creepy moment, especially the constant beep.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.


Corrine allways knew Tim was the babys father. Tim didn't believe her because the baby had become possed and grew rapidly. I never thought any of it was creepy how young were you when this was on?


Peter's murder, End of season line-up of Peter's potential murderer, The ufo scene when Burt get's abducted, Baby Tim's nursery scene, and the shadow that stalked Danny.


You're particularly squeamish. &


Corinne's possessed babys nursery. That scene has always bothered me. The music doesnt help.

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Interesting footnote about the season one finale: Originally there wasn't a voiceover or suspects. The script had the guilty verdict read, and the episode ended there. ABC made Susan Harris add the voiceover about Jessica's innocence and list the suspects because they weren't sure that it was clear to the audience that Jessica was indeed not guilty of the crime. That's kind of funny because I never once considered the possibility that she could've been.


All of the episodes and/or scenes mentioned were creepy to me and I honestly think they were intended to creep people out. This show tried to have a bit of everything: funny, sad, and, yes, creepy.



I totally agree.


The CREEPIEST moment was the last episode of the series where ALL the cliff hangers where unresolved including 4 possible deaths:
1. Chester about to shoot Danny.
2. El Puerco possibly killing Chester in a duel.
3. Burt about to be lynched.
4. Jessica about to be executed by a firing squad...


Billy's sexual involvement with his teacher was creepy. Particularly in light of how many female teachers have been sexually active with male students in the years since the show aired.
