Maggie Smith: Hot?

Maggie Smith is really hot in this movie even though she was a mature lady at this time...I've never found her hot in any other film but she looks smokin' in this.


Maggie Smith is really hot in this movie even though she was a mature lady at this time...I've never found her hot in any other film but she looks smokin' in this. - A_Fistful_of_Pennies

Maggie Smith looks great here, but check her in The Pumpkin Eater or as Desdemona in Othello or as the title character in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie as well.

Not a glamorous-gorgeous type but very fetching. Those eyes. And I can't look at anyone else whenever she's in shot in Murder by Death. She's looking for her Dickie, indeed.

"We hear very little, and we understand even less." - Refugee in Casablanca



I was really surprised by how good she looked in this film. Admittedly I haven't seen many of her older films, but still...

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


Definitely. Her breasts and her back looked amazing in that white dress 


You should see The Prime of Miss Jane Brody. She was famous for being a somewhat sexy redhead, as well as an accomplished actress.

She still doesn't look bad on Downton Abbey, considering her age. I won't look nearly that good when I'm her age. She still has great hair and those large expressive eyes...and her figure is still under control.


Absolutely. She had that stature, like a goddess, broad shoulders, an almost androgynous face, and those gorgeous, pendulous breasts swinging to and fro. Nancy Walker's character gives them a good squish (with her shoulder) in one scene.


I thought the same exact thing. She looked amazing as Dora Charleston and some of her lines were saucy and sexual. I'd never seen her like that before.

My memory foam pillow says it can't remember my face. I can tell its lying.



Maggie Smith was damn hot in this movie!
Lucky David Niven.....getting paid to pat her caboose.....

Check out Maggie in 'Clash Of The Titans'............she's smoking hot!

