Viewable anywhere?

It's out of print, and I can't find it on Hulu or Netflix. And I prefer to avoid those "watch for free" sites filled with popup ads.

Any other options?


Encore/Starz is showing it again. Right now, it's on 433, but, since I'm taping, I don't know which one that is.

Also, TCM aired it following David Bowie's death. Perhaps they will be showing it again someday.

I'm hoping that Encore/Starz has the complete version. I accidentally taped over the TCM broadcast. Darn! I forgot to note what I had on that tape.

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC


The criterion blu ray is going for a small fortune. I recommend going all region and getting UK blu which is actually better than Criterion according to this and other reviews:


There is a 40th Anniversary edition with many extras being released in November. It's to be a 4K restoration. Not sure if it will be released in both the US or just Britain. It will also be shown in theaters in Britain at that time. Hopefully in the states too.

Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.


it's going to be rereleased to cinemas early September, and then the various formats are coming out in October.
