MovieChat Forums > Full Circle (1981) Discussion > CAN ANYBODY RECOMMEND ANY OTHER SIMILAR ...


Hi, I have just watched The Haunting of Julia and really liked it. I have got The Changeling which I also like. Can anyone else recommend any other good supernatural/ghost movies? Thanks


The Haunting of Julia made a deep impression on me when i was in elementary school. the next one which comes to mind, which i actually like even more, but first saw around the same time, is The Other, from 1972. this is not to be confused with "The Others" which i liked very much but which in contrast,to me, seems pretty tame. "The Other" is a really atmospheric, real american-gothic, severe punch-you-in-the-gut kind of horror flick... not in a flashy, schlocky way but more tragic/dramatic. though it may not be quite as much of a ghost story in such a clearcut sense, it's morbid & haunting. check it out. it was just recently released for the first time on dvd. --AND, as far as recent ghostie stuff goes, i thought 2006's "The Abandoned" was amazing.


The Orphanage (2007)
Somewhat similar to Full Circle and very good as well.


The movie The Other from the 70s .. and if you like this type of horror read "houses without doors" by peter straub the author of the book the movie "the haunting of julia" was based on...


"Don't Look Now" (1973) and "Lady in White" (1988). "Ghost Story" (1980), based on the book by the same author as "Julia".


No, Dont't Look now is written by Daphne Du Maurier, and Lady in White - by Frank La Loggia


I know, I meant only "Ghost Story" for Guy Straub, since it's mentioned after the period preceding the new sentence. ; )


I agree with most of these suggestions and am looking forward to a couple I had not heard of.

I really liked Session 9. It was spookey and in the same way the Haunting Of Julia, leaves it open for interpretation, as far as the ending resulting in maddness or a supernatural event, Session 9 does the same, in a brilliant way. i

And A Tale Of Two Sisters, (a Korean film), is another of my top ten favorite "haunting" movies.


No one seems to have mentioned The Innocents.


I loved that one


the haunting of hill house, the mephisto waltz are ghosties but if you like 70s telemovies you might want to try : the night stalker, the norliss tapes and somebodys watching me are all excellent


Burnt Offerings

Carnival of Souls (original)

The Initiation of Sarah (original)

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Happy almost-Halloween, Pauline,

All the films suggested so far are definitely worth watching, and here are some I'd like to add:

Rosemary's Baby (a personal favorite)

Night of the Demon (aka Curse of the Demon)

The Old, Dark House (for Boris Karloff's make-up, if nothing else)

The Black Cat (for Boris Karloff's make-up...)

When a Stranger Calls (original)

Wind Chill (creepy, ghostly AND atmospheric!)

Village of the Damned (original)

Rose Red (exceptionally good for a TV adaptation)

Haunted (atmospheric, but has some disturbing content -- and not what you think)

What's the Matter with Helen? (I'm still not sure what Helen's problem is. Maybe you can figure it out.)

Or...are you mainly looking for films that involve a good ghost story only? If that's the case, then you can't go wrong with "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken." ; D

Seriously, atmospheric horror films aren't as prevalent as they used to be, but once in a while there are still some worthwhile ones being made that don't involve body parts and gratuitous gore. ("The Others" and "Wind Chill" are excellent examples.) I hope you've had the chance by now to see the original version of "The Haunting" since I think it still leads the way where atmospheric horror is concerned. I never tire of it and it still has an effect on me. Robert Wise outdid himself in his direction of it -- he also directed the classic Curse of the Cat People, The Body Snatcher, The Day the Earth Stood Still and Audrey Rose -- plus one of the cast (Russ Tamblyn) is a friend of mine and it's a personal favorite of his too. (Doesn't he look especially sexy and cute in this film? I love to make him blush and he's doing so right now if he's reading this.)


Not exactly movies, but the MR James ghost stories dramatised by the BBC in the 60's & 70's are some of the most haunting tales I've ever seen.

"Whistle and I'll Come To You", "A Warning To The Curious", "The Signalman" are all filled with dread and unease. My personal favourite is "Lost Hearts" which absolutely creeps me out to this day.


The Legacy - Sam Eliot


I would like to thank you! I've never heard of this movie before and I'm watching it right now and I am beyond intrigued and fascinated. Thank you for the recommendation


Your very welcome!


The Changeling with George C. Scott!
You will have to speak up, I am wearing a towel


Don't Go to Sleep (1982) ~ Apparently, this TV movie traumatized a lot of people who saw this in childhood. It still holds up as a creepy movie with a vengeful spirit.
Half Light(2006) with Demi Moore
Portrait of Jennie (1948)
The Daisy Chain (2008)
Dorothy Mills (2008)
Sandcastles (1972)
Stevie (2008)

None of these have the horror element of "The Haunting of Julia"/"Full Circle", but there is somewhat of the same dreamy atmosphere. There are some good suggestions, but standouts are "The Changeling", "The Haunting" (1960), "Burnt Offerings", and "The Innocents".

"Ghost Story" would have made far more sense if they had kept her an elemental, NOT a ghost! In Straub's novel, she is an entirely different type of being.

As with "Poltergeist", the title is intended to be misleading. In the film, they Initially refer to the incident as poltergeist activity when, instead, it is a haunting.

EDIT: I had to come back and list a movie that would seem off-the-wall, but I know what it has cast its spell on a generation and even further, since I was one of those much older when the film aired. Most people spent their life looking for the title of this film:
The Bermuda Depths (1978 TV movies)

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC
