First time watch

It's one of those movies that I have always felt like I had kind of watched before, with the clips and images I have seen over the 50 years I have been about, but I decided to sit down and watch it last night,..big TV on, headphones on...

Overall I really liked it, and can see why it's held in high esteem still.

I really love De Palma movies (70s--90s) in general, he often surprises the viewer with some great (or quirky) cinematography and music too,. Always makes his movies so's just a few of my other thoughts...

I was really surprised by the opening scenes , the nudity, and then Carrie's crazy reaction to her period... I knew that it was a key part.of the story, but her reaction really surprised me, but also made me feel.sorry for her, and that empathy just grew and grew until.she went fully nuts at the Prom.

Sissy Spacek was Great, and was unlucky that the Oscars Best Actress that year was really stacked, a really good line up that year.

That spinning dance scene at the Prom was outstanding, so good. I also really liked the extreme quick zoom on Carries face as she blew up the car. I also really liked the goofy guys buying a suit chat being sped up for a couple of lines, that was so quirky, but worked, and the goofy music when the girls were doing their detention exercises, haha, some great funny and quirky moments.

The Split Screen was also really well done, much better use than I was expecting... Between the revolving dance scene shortly before, the bright lighting as they were crowned Long and Queen , the split screen and then the full red lighting it was all very disorientating for the viewer (in a great way)

Negatives wise, I would say Sue was very underdeveloped as a character, but I can also see that by doing so it led to the viewer not fully knowing her intentions (which turned out truly to be good), so I can see that. Also, I think it just slowed a bit in the middle, but not bad really.

Really enjoyed it, 8.5/10
