Coca Cola Commercial

"You give a little love" is used for the new Grand Theft Auto style Coca Cola commercial. As soon as I heard it I was like Bugsy Malone. I absolutely love this movie. I told my daughter about it and she said "cool." Now I gotta go and get that DVD. As a kid, I don't know how many times I would watch this movie. This was my favorite song and I loved how it ended the movie.


Too funny. I hadn't thought about Bugsy Malone for so many years until I saw that Coca-Cola commercial today. Great memories.


Yeah. I saw it during commercials on American idol, and once I heard the song, I was like, "Bugsy Malone!!!!" and my dad was like, "What?!?!". It was sooo funny. I totally recognized the song. And, I just watched the movie a couple days ago.


You can also see this commercial in the movie theaters as well. They play this during the commercials before the previews of movies and it was shown way before the Super Bowl or American least a month before both.


i feel the coke commercial cheapened such a meaningful, sweet song.


maybe they did, but so many more people are hearing the song right now...


Yeah, that was really weird, it just came out of nowhere, sort of freaked me out. Now I won't rest until "Down and Out" pops up somewhere.


Yeah, It's now been in my head for two weeks. Took me a full day to figure out where it was from.

"So you wanna be a boxer..."


Was watching a preview of Super Bowl commercials and I knew I recognized this song. Man, I haven't seen "Bugsy Malone" in ages. I think I have the soundtrack somewhere in a stack of vinyl.

Btw, there's a band called 4ft Fingers that did cover of "You Give A Little Love". It's sort of a punk/ska version, and not very good compared to the original. You can find it on Rhapsody, and I'm sure on other services.



"I quizzed my brother if he knew where that song was from..."

that's so funny--I just emailed my brother last night with the same question!! His reply included a .wav version of the original song from the soundtrack--don't know where he got it.



yeah, i heard it too and my first reaction was singing along, but i couldn't remember how i knew the words, then it hit me and the end of the movie with everyone covered in splurge laughing and singing, what a great movie
do free games get any better than this?


We could've been anything that we wanted to be....


i forgot how much i loved that movie.....i forgot how much i loved that song....weird how a snippet from a commercial can just bring it all flooding back. apparently the film was re-released in britain in december 2006!


One of my all-time favorite movies. I can remember going to see it several times in the theater at the local air force base, and have already given the dvd a good workout. It's nice to see someone in ad-land has an appreciation for Wulliams' music in it.
