
Whhy hasn't anyone mentioned about "one of the best" characters in the tv mini series. Falconetti played by William Smith. He is like Darth Vader is to Star Wars.. Why hasn't he got more attention....

Carl Brown
Ipswich, England


I remember Falconetti well . My family loved the show when it was screened in England .
My sister and I assumed his name was Falcon Eddie haha and she would threaten me with
him if I was being a pain.A great show and great believable character .


I always thought he was "Falcon Eddie."


I was very young when I watched this series (later in Europe). I remember being terrified by Falconetti. Now I think what a great actor must have played this role...but at that time I really hated him so much (Falconetti).
On the other side, I had a crush when I saw Wesley (I think the was Tom's son) on TV. I was so sad to realize Michael, the actor, is dead for such a long time.


I agree, the ultimate bad guy, but when I was a kid I thought he was called Falcon Eddy, took me years to find out the real character name.

'Well I've got two words for you - STFU'


I can go one better with his name as my Mother thought his name was Falcum Eddie! LOL, maybe she thought he was a Hell's Angel leader or something! The bit that always made me laugh was when he strolled along the deck of that ship laughing and his hair used to blow all over the place!

Shut the door, Mary...
