Season five

... aaand in we go into Julieland!

Angels In Hiding (Pt I) - with Kris's and Tiffany's introduction they cut out the opening credits to keep the suspense of who the new Angel was, this time they're not being that coy and we are introduced to Julie/Tanya Roberts straight away - a model school graduate.

Of course, to make Julie, a model, fit in they're having a sleazy model storyline. "Tiffany's decided to stay East for a while" - haha! The Angels get their first taste of Julie Rogers via a photo and their comments are slightly lesbionic. Our first scene with Julie; clearly they took the lack of T & A critique of season four to heart and put Tanya in a deep plunging neckline to show off her "assets". Microwaves! How 80s. Wow, that has to be the fakest alley set I've seen. RIP Julie's coke-addicted roommate, we hardly knew ye.

"I'm just a Nebraska wheat farmer..."

Julie offers coffee - by Tiffany logic, she must be an okay person! Though, I don't know why she bothered, since Kelly didn't even take a sip. The reality is that both Kris and Kelly would be too old to start out as models (and Kris is far too short too), no matter how good they look. Oh Terry, look what you did to Julie's (who's wearing a very skimpy robe) milk! I guess you will die now. "I walk along the beach it's so clean" - damn those environmentalists for lying! Julie shoplifted a dress and got six months at a correctional facility? Damn, that's harsh.

Poor Julie is getting a bad case of the Jessica Fletcher syndrome - all her friends keep dying!

Angels In Hiding (Pt II)

The Angels finally find out that Julie's been working undercover and suggests to a relucant Julie that they need to work on the case together! Ooh, she's reluctant, but the opening credits tells us that she'll most likely accept. Girly girly time with the three Angels... well, Julie isn't an Angel yet, but you know. Foreshadowing - Boz is holding a broschure about Hawaii, tantalizing the viewers that yes, the Angels will keep wearing skimpy bikinis in the following episodes, so stay tuned!

Kris is really bad at playing a klutz, but since all bad guys are dumb they buy it and sends Kris to do a sleazy auto show. You know, I'm not sure why Kris has to go through this charade since the first girl was found strangled in the alley behind Eddie's in a bikini, couldn't they just go there directly? We get more background info on Julie, born in a tough neighbourhood with a broken family. Kelly the Orphan can relate! Model-turned-Detective Julie on the case as she follows a suspects car. Yes, load your gun openly in a bar totally non-discretly. Somehow, I think you'll fit right in Julie!

"I don't think Julie's going, she's being taken!"
As observant as ever Kelly.

You know they just did this Julie-on-the-car-roof scene so that perverts could get a peek down her cleavage, right? Pretty sure that Tanya Robert's stunt double in the long shot scenes is a man too. Oh, the creepy bottle glasses sees right through Kris! And gets hit by a car - Kelly seems all damsel in distress-y as she covers her mouth with both her hands. Yeah, well done Angels and Boz, it's like all of them at the party wouldn't know that the guy was a skeezebag.

Gee, they really made sure to mention that most modelling agencies are honorable and decent people. And surprise surprise! Since looks goes before competence at the Townsend Agency Julie just got hired. Poor Tiffany, I guess she's doomed to stay back east, since we can't have four Angels (unless Aaron Spelling sues you for breach of contract and forces you to do guest appearances).


Excellent review!!


Tiffany got dissed even after she left the show! No proper send off. She's back East for a while. Why? For how long?

I wonder if the CA powers-that-be were considering bringing her back if Julie was a big disaster. They might not wanted to get a new Angel yet again and go with someone familiar.


Tiffany got dissed even after she left the show! No proper send off. She's back East for a while. Why? For how long?

I do think they mentioned her family, or did I imagine that?

Still, it was odd because with Jill we knew she had moved on to be a "race car driver" (lol) and Sabrina got married and a bun in the oven... Tiffany is just away for a visit "back East" for all we know. Yes, even her dismissal is a huge diss - they never make it sound like she's quit the Townsend Bureau (though maybe she got transferred to a different branch "back East", as we'll soon know Charlie has several branches all over the world for hot babes to fight crimes).


I think they said in her first episode that Tiffany's father was the chief of police in Boston. Yeah, they could have at least said something like she was called back to Boston to help her father with a difficult case or something like that. "Gone back East for a while" is very vague. She lived in a house in CA, we saw that in "Toni's Boys". Did she rent it or own it? The world will never know...


Tiffany at her finest.



To See An Angel Die - we're going to Hawaii, since Charlie has unseen agencies for incompetent women (but can look hot in a trashbag) all over the world!

Kris goes to buy a bit of alcohol, gee, just champagne? I go hardcore when watching this mess, like at least 40% vodka. I learnt it from my mama. Oh no Kris is kidnapped... HEY! It's Angela Channing! Angela knows something bad has happened to Kris. Wait, are they really in Hawaii? This beach looks strangely familiar... Actually, this storyline doesn't make a lot of sense - Kris arrested a woman, who killed herself, this gang went to look for her... except how would they know she was in Hawaii?

Hansel and Gretel - I love that story! And Kris does too. Stop trying to ask logical questions Kris, like who what where, haven't you ever seen an episode of this mess? I'd feel bad for miss Wyman for having to act through this, but the role of her life (aka Angela Channing) waits for her, so it makes it hurt a bit less.

You're gonna die miss Munroe

See, all the villains have to make things on Charlie's Angels so god-damn complicated. Why not just shoot her right there? Kris can charm guy #302 who might slightly have learning disabilities (is that the correct term?), but Bobby Ewing... BOBBY F-EFFING-ING EWING! No, now I'm raljant (it's Swedish, look it up). So the bad guys bring Kris to a cheap Aaron Spelling set.

Wow, you can tell Cheryl Ladd was over it in these "confession" scenes. Girlfriend isn't even trying. Julie actually points out that she doesn't know Kris that well. The salty line... can't even with the potential puns. Ok, Kris, why didn't you just go and grab the gun instead of throwing a book at it? Hot babes comes and the bad guys just drops their guns!

So, Angela Channing and Kris has a psychic connection.

Should we spend the day at the beach or at the pool

Hot babes in bikini alert.

Where is the best place to shop (because we are dumb beautiful women in swimming suits)


Yeah, the psychic connection was kind of interesting, but they were reallllly gnawing on old bones here. Yet again, someone that Charlie got sent to jail is out for revenge?


Oh my, how could you not mention that stupid heartbeat sound effect that kept popping up while they searched for Kris. WTH? And then there is the punctured bag leaving a while line on the pavement where 1) the width of the line does not correspond to the hole in the bag, and 2) the bag is endless and will never ever run out.

This is one of my least favorite season 5 episodes.


Maybe I'll notice it in round two!


Angels of the Deep - this episode title. I can't.

Apparently Charlie knows that his Angels are looking hot in a bikini - poor Boz! Oh Julie is scuba-diving and left her boat unattended. Oh no, someone tried to kill Julie by pulling out ger air tanker! Will Julie make it to the beach all wet in a bikini? Wow Tanya's got a great bod here, nothing to be ashamed of!

Another job where the Angels get no money. Honestly, I assume off-screen that they do boring crap like finding people's cats. Kung-fu Angels! Bad guys come to the scene and Kelly and Julie are all like... well, see it and believe it! Half-way through, I'm not sure I get this plot? Wow at Tanya's boobs in that scene. I'm gay but I can appreciate cleavage.

The storyline, yes. Kris is wearing an ugly shirt. Julie finds her hot scuba girl! Why are they pursuing this UNPAID job again? Can I stress that? Basically this episode is about how hot Tanya Roberts is. And she is hot.

These scuba diving scenes... Jaclyn looks damn good enough to turn a man straight. Oh, yes, storyline something-something. I don't remember it was too much hotness.


"Angels of the Deep", though not a particularly good episode, probably sports the most interesting/offbeat guest star line up out of any episode.

Patti D'arbanville
Antonio Fargas
Sonny Bono
Gary Lockwood
Bradford Dillman
Anne Francis


Very good reviews.

I don't know why (because I know it's the weakest), but season 5 is my fav.
We're back on the original concept here (3 sexy girls having equal screen time and working undercover), and Julie is the most beautiful woman of her time.

And we have finally the 3 hair color concept.


I have a weird relationship with season five too.

It's like they knew they were being cancelled and just decided to go for broke.


Island Angels - ...

A client, paying I assume, wants Julie! Erik Nilsson, which sounds Scandinavian to me, but guy looks Asian. Or is he Hawaiin? Our hot babes look on as Asian dude interrogates the suspected bad guy. Another dire plot, so you end up looking at Tanya.

Literally wow.


Sorry, in all honesty, I got too drunk at this point, passed out and I'm only resuming my re-watch now.

There's a plot, right? Boz is playing a photographer. Basically this woman is a whore, but one that doesn't take money. That's dumb, at least get paid. Oh no, look out Julie! How tense, but I'm staring at her boobs, that doesn't make me non-gay does it? AAAH! Bad guy locks Julie in a closet? Lucky he didn't kill her, but that would be fatal to the concept of the show.

Random shots of hot babes getting out of the sea - way to remind us what this show is about. I think there's a plot somewhere in here and the Asian dude is involved. This guy with the mustache looks familiar... he looks hot. Damn it brain, I can't handle being bisexual! I wonder if the actresses found looking hot degrading?

Anyway, there's a plot. Something about terrorists... love plot for Boz! Seems like ages ago... shot of Tanya in a bikini, bending down. Hello. Jaclyn looks smashing in that white outfit. I feel like a racist for not recognising Hawaii people. I'm Swedish so I don't recognise you as Hawaii, but feel free to tell me if I misidentify!

Terrorist is going on a plane, supposedly, and our Angels need to stop her! Yadda yadda. Boz's love interest is a terrorist! Julie looks hot in a swimming suit.

It's my birthday by the way. (I hate my birthday)



Hilarious review. Make it longer !

In that particular episode, Tanya Roberts is just the hottest thing on earth.


Guy with mustache is Randolph Mantooth who played Johnny Gage on Emergency. Little hard to recognize in Island Angels due to mustache and somewhat shorter hair.


Waikiki Angels - Hello Boys! It's Eurovision and I'm drunk, very drunk. You can't be sober on Eurovision - don't you watch Logo? Whatever...

Haven't we seen this beach before? Plot is too confusing - two kids and three hairy bears? What on Mario Cart. This is what'll threathen their lives? OK. Julie, who looks mega-hot in a bikini, wants to know who it is. Seriously, I'm questioning my gayness. She's hot! But can't act.

Kris! Kelly! Up on the beach! Where's Julie? Her boobs have to run on the beach. Drugged out 60-year-old girl is begging... whatever. Are we playing Baywatch now? People on the beach want to talk to Kelly - who wouldn't talk to Kelly? Rwoar! I feel insecure.

Oh no! Someone's watching! Kel, get into the watchtower or the water! Don't just stand there, let's get to it! Yep, you listened, for once. "Let's get 'em" Go Angels! Stranded boys. Awww - go Angels! Kick ass!

Why did they kidnap this girl again? Are the girls getting paid? I'm very drunk. Leaves? Kidnappers dumb. Why do the Angels care? This is a plot point I've forgotten. POLICE!!!!

I'll stay here with Kelly - Julie cares

A white plastic table - who cares that she's been abused mentally, physically and whatever. That white table is tacky! Kelly, looking like a slutty Baywatch broad, is now on duty! Good luck Kris is looking out for her. Kulspruta? Really? Now they want to rape Kelly AND Kris - well going Angels!

Boz lies. Titsy McGee joins Boz. Save Kell and Kris Julie!! Hot bears are dumb.

Wow, Tanya is dumb. Dumb dumb. Kelly chases idiot... yeah.

This episode was idiotic.


I'm sure many female viewers wondered if they were bisexual, as well.

The Angels were sooooo dumb in this episode. Kelly and Kris, supposedly two talented PIs AND temporary partners with the Hawaii police, manage to both get kidnapped by a few two-bit criminals.


Have I ever mentioned how hot Julie is?

She is hot.


I watched Eurovision too. I wasn't drunk.

I wish I was.

Have I ever mentioned how hot Julie is? 

You have...numerous times, but still not enough for how HOT Julie was.

Tanya Roberts is on her own enough to enjoy the fifth season. She could be just standing in a corner of the sesame street set, it would make it worth watching for big boys like us.


Seriously. I'm gay but I can't help to notice her hotness.

No offence to the other ladies of Charlies Angels, but they clearly played up Tanya's hotness to try and drum up dire ratings. She's very hot!


One way that I knew that I was not gay early on -- When I watched CA, all I noticed were how cool I thought the Angels' clothes were and how thin they managed to stay, but I never felt, and never have felt to this day, the least amount of sexual attraction to any of them. However, when I watched "Starsky and Hutch" I absolutely could not take my eyes off of Paul Michael Glaser. I thought he was the most perfectly gorgeous human being I had ever seen, even though I was only about 11 or 12.

I also had a crush on Epstein from "Welcome Back, Kotter", of all people. I must have had a thing about ethnic looking white guys with big, black 'fros, lol.


I realize how Julie was quite attractive in the island episodes but Kelly's "lifeguard tryout" swimsuit was outstanding.

Sadly a helicopter would have spotted the buggies in about ten minutes but we need to wait and wait and wait for a loud radio to home in on the bad guys. Why are there lifeguards on this beach anyway? The only people around seem to be either the bad guys (let them drown) or soon to be kidnapped people (a "beach closed" sign seems appropriate.)


I've always wondered why there were so many lifeguards on a deserted beach. I've also wondered why the Angels didn't see the bad guy's house sooner and check it out.
