MovieChat Forums > Trilogy of Terror (1975) Discussion > The Zuni Fetish Warrior Doll - HILARIOUS...

The Zuni Fetish Warrior Doll - HILARIOUS !

The third segment with the Zuni Fetish Warrior Doll sprung to life has got to be one of the funniest, campiest bits I've ever watched! The four or five times I've seen it, I am in tears from laughter.

My favorite lines: "What's going on?" and "I don't know where I'm located!"

Also, when the doll is chomping down on Karen Black's neck in front of the oven, the looped vocal sounds of Karen do not match the non-movement of her mouth. Hilarious!


I loved how it was hilarious, yet creepy at the same time.


This story frightened me when I first saw it. In fact, I don't remember the other stories, just this one. But as I remember today, I laughed at what scared me in the 70's.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


This movie caused a lot of mental damage to me as a child. Not to mention everyone in school was talking about it as well. Odd thing is, it was never meant for children to view.

I watched it with my sister and we were caught between laughter at the ridiculous doll and how creepy it was at the same time. What it comes down to is that it is a classic Exorcist possession story but the creators were clever enough to hide it behind a toy.

The Chucky films were rip off of this movie.


the first time i saw this movie i was a teenager too and i was traumatized for years, could not sleep with the lights out, i needed medication to relax it was a frightening experience!!!


It's insanely funny. When she tried drowning him and he climbed out of the bathtub looking wet I nearly choked on my snickers 😀

Duty Now For The Future


Most good horror tales have their funny moments. I remember nearly busting a gut when I saw THE EXORCIST and the demon said to Karras "Your mother sucks *beep* in hell, Karras!"

I was only twelve years old when I saw TOT on television; I have little memory of the first two stories but "Prey" is emblazoned on my memory forever. I was TERRIFIED for most of the segment, not just because of the doll's appearance and obvious intention to kill but what was REALLY frightening was the fact that Amelia was locked into a high rise apartment with the thing unable to escape.

I did, however, have one moment of gut-busting laughter: when the doll, trapped in the suitcase, starts cutting its way out with its knife. All I could think of was a Looney Tunes cartoon character and for one moment I completely forgot to be scared. Needless to say, by the end I remembered. BOY, did I remember.

RIP Karen Black. She was in a class by herself and always delivered even if the movie itself was a dud (like AIRPORT 1975).

Never mess with a middle-aged, Bipolar queen with AIDS and an attitude problem!
roflol (><)


I loved that little doll.

Can't stop the signal.



I think the fear factor is having seen it when you were a child. But even still, even with the camp now, Karen Black gives a superb performance which is basically a one-woman show. The phone call to her mother is nearly one take and she runs the gamut of emotions. Sure, she falls on the floor too much and screams too much...but she doesn't ever give up trying to survive.

With a little suspension of disbelief the attacks by the doll are very terrifying...the little thing lives up to his name "He Who Kills." He's like the Terminator, that's all he does! Amelia's "I don't know where I'm located!" is followed by "There's a...there's a...just get the police PLEASE!" And her "This can't be happening...this can't be happening" is something you would say in real life.

And at least then they used real puppets instead of obvious CGI.

The only thing that takes me out of the story is when she runs for the screwdriver to open the lock on the front door...not having seen the lock twisted before.


I love ToT, but sometimes I, too, am inclined it hilarious. The lines you cited are gems.

I was watching this movie with a couple of friends once and when the Zuni doll climbs out of the bathtub with the spear in its mouth, soaking wet, my friend said, "Now you really pissed him off. You ruined his jerry curl!"

Me and my other friend laughed our heads off. And every once in a while, one of us would later use that quote for comic effect.

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna

