MovieChat Forums > Sholay (1975) Discussion > sholay in imdb top 250

sholay in imdb top 250

hey ppl
all u sholay lovers
pls help me put sholay in the top 250 imdb deserves it!!!
pls vote....10 stars...!! its worth that much...cmon...i hope u all agree....
a film from india SHOULD be in the top 250
do it!!!!!!!


it doesnt deserve to be in the top 250, do u know what the top 250 means .....there have been millions or billions of movies made in the past 100 yrs, a top 250 rank put in in the .000000000001 percent category. Its Not That good........though i agree , a indian movie should be in the top 250.....maybe a satyajeet ray classic or black but definately not the way i gave it a 10/10 rating


if it aint that good then y did u rate it 10/10????
and it is i guess the best indian movie ever made....if there was an indian imdb top 250 movie list...then..sholay has to be number one.....there is no doubt about that.....

i think u should see the bottom half of the top 250 list....there r some strange movies......and some bad movies such as spider man i guess sholay deserves a place there....!!


i gave it a 10/10 rate because it is a good movie, but NOT TOP 250 GOOD
this is not i repeat NOT the best indian movie ever.....have u seen any satyajeet ray classic????....10 million times better than sholay and by the way indian movies are not only the movies made in mumbai..have u forgotten the other film industries in india?? im sure they have good movies too. not to mention the new age Multiplex flicks some of them are quite good.

strange movies in the top 250??? like what???(i asuume u mean japanese movies let me tell u something, some of them are great. akira kurusawa was one of the best filmakers of all time) i agree spiderman sux it shouldnt be there at all.(though i reckon it'll fade out in a few months).


i'll forget about sholay ....
the thing is...that its the BIGgest india movie ever...
thats y people have the notion that its the best

but ....i dont think ....satyajit rays movies r the best...

i deserves something...

i forgot about that

company is one classic indian movie

a proper movie ...comparable to hollywood movies...

one of the best i have ever seen

at least that deserves to be in the top 250 for sure...

Rachit Varma


company????????? RAm gopal verma's company????? dude whats wrong with you?? how can company be in the top 250 movies of all time list, entertainibg movie no doubt but not top 250. I reckon the apu trilogy should be in the top 250 unfortunately its not. have u seen the black board by the way?? its got a rating of 8.3, im sure if more ppl voted for it it'll make the 250 list. its already made the list of one of the best films since 2000


hey man...
r u mad or whaT???
have u even seen company???
who says its its typical entertainement..
its true class..
it is a very underrated movie ...
one of the best i have seen
a movie with harldy any flaws....
a film in which most of the scenes make good sense...
great acting...
amazing narration...
good cinenamtography...
need i say more???
just that it was made on a commercial basis......
jsut that it wasnt made by saatyajit ray
does not mean thats its bad...
it is by far one of hte best movies ever made....
u cant call it an entertainment or ..... family entertainment..or whatever...
u must wacth htis movie once again...
its sheer class...
an epic by ram gopal varma!!!

Rachit Varma




I think that Sholay is an excelent bollywood classic.
It deserves 10/10
It isnot the best bollywood film ever but certainly beats by a long
shot the ones listed above
I think there should be dozens of bollywood films on imdb top 250
But if u want the best bollywood film ever try Veer-Zaara(although new is excelent and seems older than it is)or Devdas.
other good ones thatare newer to see is Dil Se, Kuch Kuch hota Hai, Koi..Mil Gaya


well well mr lucifier if u doesnt like the film it doesnt mean that it is not that great film. the whole south asia accepts that it is the best film of indian cinema(a non indian saying this).I have scene many hollywood films and accept that there is no comparisan b/w hollywood and bollywood in film making but still this is deservely to be in the the top 100 films :)


According following formual Sholay scores 7.4 which is about 0.4 less to get it to IMDB top 250 (about 80-100 movies are in between).

weighted rank (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C
R = average for the movie (mean) = (Rating)
v = number of votes for the movie = (votes)
m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 250 (currently 1250)
C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 6.8)

To my sruprize, another Amitabh movie is more close to IMDB top 250, with WR of 7.6, 'Black' (which I think is overrated. All the great acting for a superficial plot)!!!

Anyway, Sholay is the biggest hindi movie ever made, but not the best in all the aspects. It would not leave the same effect on non-indian audiance. So even if it will be able to make to top 250, it may not stay there for longer. There are people who are ready to watch any acclaimed movies and they may not appriciate the way we do (all the supporting charaters; dialogues; comic sequences; thankur's shoes with nails, ... almost everything). That's probably the law of average (more the votes, more accurate the ratings).

So if the purpose is to get a bollywood movie to top 250, we should try to get more profound movies like 'Company' (I do agree with rach_dll), 'Pinjar', ... that can be appreciated regardless of cultural connections/influence.

Bye the way, if you want to know where does Sholay rank among the hindi movies based on average rating then check this out, you will be surprized.;Most%20popular%20titles;Hindi%20by%20average%20vote


For heaven's sake watch the movie again - Each and every shot was meticulosuly shot - each and every "STAR" was treated the same as an "extra" - Original one crore and one year almost took 3 crore and 3 years to complete - even with the Censors and public's initial bad response not one SCENE was reshot ...

IT IS A MASTERPIECE - everything from MUSIC, Editing, acting, Lyrics, direction, cinematography, action .. everything - not one movie comes close to this -

No wonder after 25 years its still draws house full crowed...

you are not doing justice by just saying "I don't think this should be in the top 250"..

I respect Satyajit Ray and all the others but I have done research on this movie for over 20 years - and don't agree with you here


My take on it is that if they cut out the gratuitous music numbers, it's a decent film (then again if they cut out the musical numbers out of most Hindi films, they'll be decent too). That was my problem with Lagaan too, which if they removed the musical numbers, would've been one of the greatest sports movies of all time.

It may draw crowds and you may have researched it for 20 years (which is a lot for a two hour+ film) but to say it should be in the IMDB top 250 when none of Satyajit Ray's films are in there would be a travesty of justice IMO and out of respect to the late Mr. Ray!

Satyajit Ray made all his films without fanfare and without musical numbers. He made simple movies with transcendent themes and w/o big Bollywood stars or money.


hi iam a bengali so i have had the fortune of watching satyajit ray movies in their original language- and i know many of them are classics or world cinema.if none of them are in the top 250 -then thats discredit to imdb not ray- bigger people than imdb have acknowledged ray's prowess.akiro kurosawa said

''not having seen a satyajit ray film is like leaving on earth and not seeeing the sun or the moon"'

i pity the voters who have put spiderman 2 in front of pather pachali or charulata or jalshaghar.

but know what -if i were to put only one indian film in the top 250- it will be SHOLAY - nothing else.not because it is the best indian film ever made(which it is not)-but because it is the most epic-the most magical -the mosting moving and may be the most influential movie ever made.

there is that something intangible about sholay- which makes it a legend-yes thats what it is- a legend.

leave alone top 250- leave alone any sort of numbers- any list of top films of this planet-is incomplete without sholay-is a farce without sholay- so i cant care less whether its in the top 250- coz its just too big -too big for a 167 or a 212 rank may be.

but spiderman 2 in top 250 -god thats a riot.


I think Sholay is a Classic. Comparisons with Satyajit Ray movies is a very subjective exercise. What makes it more difficult is comparing movies made 20 years apart.

For kids born in India in the 60s and who were like 10-15 years old when Sholay was released, this will be THE movie that impacted their lives. I was such a person. I listened to the movie dialogues being played on the streets at marriage ceremonies and even though I have seen the movie ONLY 8 times, I have heard Veeru, Jai, Gabbar, Basanti and Thakur over and over again.

So, forget objectivity for a while, I feel it is the No. 1 Indian movie of that time. And the reasons for me :
- Great Cinematography
- Classic Acting
- Awesome Dialogues


Forget Sholay Talk Deewaar !


deewaar is good.....but not better than sholay...sholay is much bigger..
i am really surprised that people dont like company.....
although one can say its a little slow.........but hey....according to hollywood....thats the oscars material......
company surely deserves to be in top 250

Rachit Varma


Here is my ranking of my favourite Hindi films (from the ones I've seen):

1. "Half Ticket" (1962)
2. "The Apu Trilogy" (1955-1959)
3. "Dosti" (1964)
4. "Gol Maal" (1979)
5. "Lagaan" (2001)


just that it was a big hit? and it was nominated for the oscars?????
that movie was long
the songs didnt make sense
it was cliched
e.g. the end
the good always wins!!!
ok it was different
it was innovative

but i would still persist
company is much much better than all these
i guess its the only movie comparable to hollywood movies!
and i will stand by my word till the end of my days!


Rachit Varma


Sholay is a great movie and deserves 10/10 i think eventually the movie will reach top 250 but we don't have that many people to vote.
Company too is a great movie but i would put it after Satya a classic movie of all time.
There are so many great films in India its hard to choose the great one,
How about Anand, Prahar (Nana Patekar) and Parinda.
These are absoulately classic movies.



I voted 10. Thanks for suggestion.


I agree with you. Let's all make an effort on bringing this Hindi Film into TOP 250 at least.


Just remember the top 250 doesn't mean anything! It is just the movies that the most people bothered to vote for, that's why something as appalling as Spiderman 2 is in there.

I'm always puzzled why Shawshank Redemption is so high - a good movie certainly, but not *that* good, surely...


When I saw Shawshank Redemption, I instantly knew that this film is a legend just like Psycho and Casablanca: and I was right. I have the same feeling for Sholay.


I think that The only reason sholay isn't in the top 250 is that it is 30 years old and although has fans stil. this movie was sold on pirated(black market) movies more than on "regulation" dvds. How many people who watched the movie 30 years ago and bought it on blackmarket film copies even have internet. And if they do why would they go to imdb and vote their favorite movie 30 years ago was. I personaly don't know a lot of old people who use internet for anything more than chat and emial.


huh??? there are so many hollywood movies in the top 250 list that are 30 or more years old.
Citizen kane <1941>
Clockwork Orange
One flew over Cuckoo's nst
The great escape
i could go on and on and on and on..................................

Nobody Dies a Virgin, Life screws Everyone






i agree with you that most indian movies are pathetic. but sholay is not a pthetic movie, and there are quite a lot of good indian movies too.

it seems that you are the typical indian who just hates his culture, hates hindi movies, hates hindi music, listens to hip hop rap music and tries to emulate himself like a foreigner.

and why indian movies "should" be in the top 250?.. because they *beep* deserve to be in the top 250.the problem is that they are not popular and they get lesser votes. but movies like company(the most recent one i can remember), and to some extent black, sarkar deserve to get in the top 250.



Will it make any difference to how much you like sholay if IMDB puts it among top 250? If yes then you are actually outsourcing your judgement to IMDB. Please don't undermine yourself like this! Consider this, the only award this movie ever recieved was for the best editor (M.S. Shinde) in the Filmfare Awards 1976 !!

Does this fact make it a lesser movie ? Well, I would say even 'experts' of the day coudn't judge this movie anywhere near accurate. Compare it with the 90s movies in which Shahrukh Khan recieved awards by dozens.

PS: If online rating is the only criterea, considering the huge population of Indians, you can even put "ramgarh key sholay" into top 250. Will it make the movie any better?


Yeah. You are right i guess. But its just this personal satisfaction that an indian movie is in the top 250. I know it wont make the movie good or bad....Just something that i want...and its just somehting THAT THE MOVIE DESERVES.



I just see Sholay for the first time (and in a movie theater, so good conditions), but I just like, like many other films (6/10). May be that's why not in the top 250...
But I respect your love for this movie!

And I understand if you love it that you want it to be in top250 : it'll give the desire to see it for curious viewer, as many people look at the top250 (sorry for my english mistakes)


Sholay is either an homage or a rip-off of the American western. In either case, it doesn't deserve a higher spot than the Apu Trilogy or many of Ray's other great films.

Maybe if more Indian directors get of this drama/musical framework for every movie, then more Indian movies will be up there.



What's the problem with Sholay being a western? Western is a style, not a plot. It is beyond refreshing to see it done by Bollywood - doggone good movie too. Heck yeah it deserves to be in the top 250 - and this comes from a female, southern, black, middle age conservative that just happens to be addicted to Bollywood. There's cowboy "crap" out there that gets awards simply because it's politically correct. This movie was just itself, and I loved every minute of it!


There's nothing wrong with Sholay ripping off a Western. It just doesn't deserve to be in the top 250. You couldn't have a more un-P.C. Western than John Ford's "The Searchers", yet I feel that "The Searchers" definitely deserves it's place in the top 250. Sholay does not! (there are also about 15 movies in the Top 250 that also don't belong up there)! And I'm saying this as an American of Indian heritage.

BTW, if you haven't seen "Brokeback Mountain" then you're a stooge for commenting on it. I have seen "Sholay" and that's why I give these opinions.



I don't think Sholay can ever make it (and should make it) to top 250.
