Funniest Woody moment

I loved the scene where Woody is supposed to go on the carriage to go off to be a soldier and instead we see the carriage roll away and there is Woody waving goodbye with his butterfly collection. Then he looks at the camera and makes a "what did I do" look with his face. I just about died with laughter. Soo funny. Its the butterfly collection that seals it. Glad I tivoed the movie so I can watch this movie more than once.

V: A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.


We see the sheets on the bed rustling around (as Boris and Sonia are underneath), and suddenly, we see Woody poke his head out from under the covers, reach under the pillow, grab a pair of gloves, put them on, and slide back under the covers. First time I saw that, I almost died.


I've seen almost all of Woody Allen's films as he is one of my favorite film makers and this is my favorite of his films. It is absolutely hillarious. My favorite line (although that is really hard to pick out) is after the Countess invites Boris to tea he replies: "I'll bring the tea bags." You have to love clever sexual innuendo.


All of the moments mentioned above were extremely funny, which is why I personally think that this movie and "Bananas" are easilly Woody's best. I also liked when he said, "I should've shot him," in the dual scene, which was closely followed by what I thought was Diane Keaton's best line, "I can't believe he missed." The other one was, "No, I'm suggesting active fleeing."


I do not remember exactly, so I ll try from my memory:

1) a scene when Allen and Keaton are already married, happy, but napoleon invades russia again. Allen is packing all things up, shouting: "we have to flee, pack up the things, we have to run away. We have to burn also food, so the Frenchmen do not capture it. But how to burn borstch???" :)) Hahaha, awesome:))

2)the scene when Allen is trying to knock out Don francisco, instead of this, he hits Diane Keaton with the bottle, hahahaha, then they pretend it is a joke, as Don Francisco noticed it - and they hit Keaton with the bottle like 15 times until she faints unconscious - haha, THIS is THE SCENE. I can watch it 10 times in a row when I am depressed, hilarious..


For me, the funniest scene is when that French general speaks to the camera:
"and then, History will remember my name...Sydney Appelbaum!"

Thats just brilliant. I also love the Black instructor scene ("you love mother Russia dont you?!") and alot of other stuff. Its the funniest movie I've seen.


Woody on the cross as a kid? priceless


The funniest Woody Allen moment was in Love and Death when he tries to knock out that Spanish dude (can't remember his name right now) and he misses and hits Sonja over and over again. Then the Spanish dude grabs the bottle and hits Sonja. freaking hilarious!!

Grass grows birds fly sun shines & brother I hurt people.


People keep mentioning "the bottle" scene and I think it is awesome. There is a similar scene in "Bananas" that I like even better. I can't remember exactly but Woody and the rebels are supposed to kidnap someone and they have a syringe but they keep injecting the wrong guy. So when the policeman (I think) looks to see what is going on Woody is the only one who hasn't been injected so he has to prop everyone up against a car (I think). It is a hilarious scene! The best is at one point Woody can't keep everyone from slowly sliding down the car so he just crosses his arms, smiles a big smile, and slowly slides down with everyone else like it is a normal thing. So funny!
I really appreciate his "artistic masterpieces" but the goofy, slapstick stuff is still my favorite (Sleeper, Love and Death, Bananas, Zelig, etc.)

Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion.


When I saw this movie as a 17 year old at the time, I starting laughing at the very beginning, when Woody, doing narration, explains that he is going to be executed at 7:00 (cant remember exact time) in the morning, then explains that he was SUPPOSED to be executed at 6 Am, but he had s smart lawyer...I rolled on the floor from that moment on......

And his father with his little piece of land...and someday he hopes to BUILD on it!.....Woody says "You're a major lune!"


My favorite part was when Allen was in the jail cell with his dad with all the Dostoevsky references in a row, great stuff!


"He had the most delightful laugh."

Long laugh scene.



I couldn't stop laughing when Boris sees the Countess scantily clad and he says something like "I thought you were going to wear something sexy", the look on his face when he said it was hilarious. There are too many hilarious moments in this film, incredible

J Dilla Changed My Life. Rest In Beats.


When Napoleon says "Champagne, from France!"


When his dad comes to visit him in jail, and he
pulls out a dirt clod with a tiny house on it,
and brags about finally owning a piece of land.

This whole film is Hilarious!! All the references are great!

..."wheat. fields of wheat..."



I think I'm the only one who didn't find the 'You must be Don Francisco's sister' scene funny. I just didn't find that part comic. I found that part pretty dumb, actually But well, I guess it's a matter of tastes.

But one scene I did like a lot is the one with this dialogue:

Boris: Word has it the Don is en route to visit Napoleon.
Francisco: Word travels fast.
Boris: Not as fast as good news.
Francisco's sister: No news is good news.
Francisco: Here today, gone tomorrow.
Boris: You can lead a horse to water,
but you can't make him drink.
Boris (to Francisco's sister): Your turn.

Lol, I know this scene is just as stupid and absurd as the other one, but I do find this one quite funny It's completely ridiculous XD

Here's the link to the scene on YouTube:

Another really funny scene is the flirting scene:

Lol, how can you keep a straight face watching that?? XD


"I really appreciate his 'artistic masterpieces' but the goofy, slapstick stuff is still my favorite (Sleeper, Love and Death, Bananas, Zelig, etc.)"

I'm with you on that one. My favorite moment is when he's been shot in the left arm, then he shoots his gun in the air and his right arm gets hit. I was laughing so hard at that one I felt like I was going to pass out.

Thanks to everyone for the great reminders; I feel like I've just seen it twice in a row. Virtually every comment made me laugh out loud.


@Sylphadora You're not the only one, I didn't find that scene funny either. Maybe if it was short I would've been OK with it, but it dragged on, and the more they repeated the lines, the more annoying it got.

But that's OK because this movie's got so many comedy gems, like the dinner banter scene between Sonja and Napoleon that we see shortly afterwards.

As for funny Woody moments, nobody's mentioned the prison scene:
"I, with my usual good luck, got thrown in a damp cell to await execution - my favorite pastime."
