Release on DVD?

I wish this would be released on DVD. I've seen bits of this movie when I was a kid and have never seen the whole thing.


After joining Netflix in March, 2013 I tried to get this movie from them to see, but when I typed it in it did not even come up. Because of that I figured it was just not out on DVD, but earlier this month I went on amazon and typed it in and there it was, available on DVD for around 20 dollars. I immidiently ordered it, this past weekend it arrived in the mail, and last night I watched it on my DVD player. It had been nearly 20 years since I had seen it, but I still liked it as much as I had, it remains one of my favorite movies, and I am definitly glad it is out on DVD and I was able to get a copy of it.

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park
