Release on DVD?

I wish this would be released on DVD. I've seen bits of this movie when I was a kid and have never seen the whole thing.


I've been trying to find a copy of the movie for years. I'd love to be able to get one, too. Every now and then, I'll see a VHS copy on e-bay but I feel the prices are too high for a used video tape. Maybe they'll re-release it soon.


Not likely.

The writers of this film took many libreties with the real thing and a few people involved successfully sued over thier portrayals in the film. One provision is that they cease all production of it...sorry.


The writers of this film took many libreties with the real thing and a few people involved successfully sued over thier portrayals in the film. One provision is that they cease all production of it...sorry.

Does this mean it can no longer be shown on TV as well? Exhibiting an existing copy isn't quite the same as producing more copies of it.

If I understand the lawsuits correctly, there were two people involved: Houston McCoy and Ramiro Martinez (these were the two cops who assaulted the tower). Martinez settled out of court, while McCoy actually went to court, but lost his case.

I wasn't able to find the exact terms of the settlement anywhere, though. Presumably, one of the conditions of the settlement is that the terms remain undisclosed, but I'd be grateful for any further information that iMDb chaps/chapettes might have.



The writers of this film took many liberties with the real thing and a few people involved successfully sued over their portrayals in the film. One provision is that they cease all production of it ... sorry.

This is indeed inaccurate.

The two policemen credited with shooting Whitman did separately sue the producers. But neither lawsuit won.

Houston McCoy was given official credit for killing Whitman. Since the movie ignored his character (aside from depicting a cowardly officer who doesn't shoot), he sued due to the emotional distress caused by the film's inaccuracy. He lost.

Ramiro Martinez sued on separate grounds, that he was depicted in a "racist" manner. He received an out-of-court settlement and the lawsuit was dismissed.

You could say Martinez obtained a "successful" result ... but that still doesn't tell us if his lawsuit had a valid basis, and it certainly had no effect on the issuance of this film.

Stuck in purgatory.


I've got a copy of this, transferred from VHS to DVD. Email me.


This was released in **Anamorphic Widescreen** **DTS 6.1** Surround in 2004 in a limited release with 4 hours of bonus features as a 2 dvd set

If you were lucky enough to get a copy like me, you would be amazed at the quality of the transfer

So everyone out there can cry about why they didn't find a copy

I will treasure this always


Could you tell me where I can find of copy of this? I would like to see this very much, after watching The Sniper (1952) and Targets (1968).


This was released in **Anamorphic Widescreen** **DTS 6.1** Surround in 2004 in a limited release with 4 hours of bonus features as a 2 dvd set

A made for TV movie from the 1970s shot in widescreen with a DTS 6.1 audio? The film was shot 1:33:1 in mono for television broadcast. You either got the ultimate sucker punch ripoff or are referring to a different movie.


Warner Archive, which has been releasing classic movies in non-remastered versions since last year, has just listed The Deadly Tower for sale on january 12, 2010. It is $19.95 plus shipping. Not sure of the quality, but I own about 20 of the Warner Archive releases, and so far they all look and sound like commercial retail DVD's. The Warner Archives copy has got to be better than a bootleg DVD I own that was merely transferred from a VHS tape.

Go to and click on Warner Archives. There's a ton of movies unavailable anywhere else, including many made for TV movies.

Turner Classic Movies website,, and also sell the Warner Archive movies, but they are more expensive on those websites.


First of all Hawk is a real douche bag, and a liar...the movie was never released in a special edition widescreen format with DTS 6.1 surround sound. And secondly anyone who wants to get the movie on dvd simply go here,default,pd.html?cgid=ARCHIVE can buy it directly from WB. Once again Hawk is an ass and the rest of you im happy to have supplied you with a way to buy this on dvd.


Thank you to everyone who responded! I'm glad that it has finally been given an official DVD release. I just ordered my copy.

What about Blu-Ray? Just kidding... for now :-)


I'd be interested in obtaining a copy of THE DEADLY TOWER.
My name is Louis.
My e-mail: [email protected]




Lear Media offers a digital reproduction (probably a VHS transfer) of this movie for $24.99...I just ordered it, and I'll report back on the quality once I receive it...


I wish I could find it also. I remember it on tv about 3 am when we lived in Illinois. we moved here in 78 so it was probably 77 when I saw it. I can recall a scene of EMTs crouching behind a moving armored truck getting victims.


I don't know about DVD, but if any of you are in L.A., I rented it on video from Eddie Brant's (great place for OOP/unavailable stuff). I'd been meaning to see it for some 10 years, and it wasn't bad.


this one's been on my "list" for 13 years now,, i can't find a copy anywhere,,
works for me


Just google Sniper 1975 DVD and several will pop up. archBox&rlz=1I7TSHA&q=Sniper%201975%20DVD&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&sa=N&tab=wf



I have just purchased a copy thru 'gotta see dvd'. On DVD and not too expensive.


gottaseedvd has it


I saw it listed briefly in the banner at the top of the Warner Archive web site. Unfortunately, a few hours later, there was no mention of the film. I can only assume it was a web error, but that they intend on releasing it on DVD soon. Keep an eye out...
