MovieChat Forums > Space: 1999 (1975) Discussion > 100 things I learned from watching Space...

100 things I learned from watching Space 1999

Ok I'll start this thread off here on this forum.

1. Only John Koenig can save the day
2. Kano is in love with computer


3. It doesn't matter how many Eagles we wreck, there is always more in that hangar.


4. The Moon is flying through deep space yet there's always sunlight around the moonbase


5, nobody's gone back to earth but can be seen in space all the time.


6: In space, Everyone can hear you scream.
7: Joan Collins will wear or star in anything!
8: Victor's mechanical heart, like Picards, goes out or saves him when the plot calls for it.
9: Alan's chest hair wasn't the only rug seen on the show.
10: People that come calling from Earth are never there to help get the Alphans home.
11: Alien Blob creatures move just as fast as humans can.
12: The Beta Cloud is not fond of sarcasm.
13: Apparently, Medical Centre makes the best punch on Alpha.
14: There's a space ship landing pad "Right in the middle of Little ol' New York"
15: Alan CAN NOT PILOT an Eagle.
16: Ditto for Koenig.
17: Having real metal hatchets as wall decorations is okie dokie on Alpha.
18: Alpha has enough liquid graphite to totally coat every single inch of an Eagle.
19: Kaldorian Eggs go well with Hyroponic Soya burgers. Thanks for the correction, Fletcherj119.:-)


Just to let you know, that was Hydroponic soya mixed with the burgers. Soil wouldn't taste too good.


20. Making homemade beer isn't as easy as you might think.
21. All aliens speak English.


22. In a high tech moon Base their is a lack of Cctv.


23. If someone you know suddenly starts wearing the part in his hair on the other side, he's probably a mirror-reflection alien entity.

24. The least deserving person will win the draw when a computer picks a random name.

25. Alphans with purple sleeves serve as security as well as punching bags for alien intruders.

26. If you travel the universe long enough, eventually you will find a planet with a bevy of beautiful women who will chase you with whips to fulfill that dominatrix fantasy of yours.

27. The computer never runs out of paper when it's spitting out important information.


28. Sandra is LOT more interesting when she wears a leopard skin.

29. The balcony in Main Mission seems to exist mainly for people to fall off it during action scenes.

30. Everyone (except women) on the base seems to be qualified to fly an Eagle. Although most people do not do it well.

31. Speaking of Eagles, ever notice that if you set it down on the pad just a few feet off that the boarding tube wouldn't line up with the hatch?


Nearly forty years later I am rewatcing this and I am enjoying it. I remember how then as a child I used to look forward for the weekly episode and was fasinated by the story and visuals effects and action. It's not lost its appeal for me.


32. When Maya metamorphises back to her Psychon persona she reconstitutes her clothes


33. When coming in from the moon's surface to inside Alpha, full Earth gravity is restored!

34. When anything bad happens in Main Mission complex the EXACT same high pitched scream can be heard. Good job crewperson, must have taken YEARS of practice!


Luke Skywalker, your Mom was hawt! Darth Vader


30. Everyone (except women) on the base seems to be qualified to fly an Eagle. Although most people do not do it well.
Ha!  Actually, Alibe, flew an Eagle as copilot (yes...she got actual hands-on-sticks time) in one episode, and Maya flew A Re-entry Glider off the back of an Eagle in one episode...and even made a pretty decent deadstick landing! 
33. When coming in from the moon's surface to inside Alpha, full Earth gravity is restored!
According to the episode Black Sun there are "Gravity Towers" around Alpha that give them Earth-level gravity...which they then re-purpose, in that episode, to deflect the crushing force of the black hole the moon was entering.
34. When anything bad happens in Main Mission complex the EXACT same high pitched scream can be heard. Good job crewperson, must have taken YEARS of practice!
 what time and in which episodes does this exact same scream occur? Just give us a few examples. 

Peace! 

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


Which episode did Maya fly the glider?


The Immunity Syndrome.



The actress that plays Maya was the evil woman in The Guardians Of Piri wasn't she?

Catherine Schell was lovely.


Yes. Not evil, actually - just an enticing-looking robot.

Catch her on "The Return of the Pink Panther".


35. No matter how dangerous the situation, Prof. Bergman is almost Spock-like in his fascination with it.

36. No matter how many explosions destroy parts of the base, they are always good as new in the next episode.

I truly see the next 20 years being both wondrous and terrifying


Well the crew have to do something to pass the time as they fly about through space.


That always annoyed me about "The Dorcons". The base was strafed, then when Koeng and Maya return a couple of hours later Tony states "Damage repairs well in hand". Did the Alphans adapt the Scalosian method of fast motion from Star Trek's "Wink of an Eye"?.


37. There is always an abandoned moon buggy sitting beside two of the Eagle landing pads.

38. The lever to the right of the Eagle pilot seat can do anything an episode calls for.

I truly see the next 20 years being both wondrous and terrifying


The moon buggy is simply to show the eagle's scale. Presumably it gets loaded onto the ship before it launches. One would think, though, that the ship would've been loaded before it was raised up to the pad, unless maybe another eagle had left off the moon buggy there for the next ship to pick it up.


39. When you're on the moon you have to go looking elsewhere to find titanium.

40. Even though you can transform into any creature including a tiny insect; if you find yourself in a cage with two-inch openings while in the form of a bird, you're trapped.

41. It's perfectly possible for a nuclear explosion on the moon to simultaneously be powerful enough to knock it out of Earth's orbit, and out of the solar system to boot, and weak enough to not blow the moon to pieces.

42. Bell bottoms and disco boots were all the rage in 1999.

43. No matter how many inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha get killed, they will always have a population of about 300.

44. In lunar gravity all of your movements are in slow-motion.

45. An Amphicat ordered from the back of a Popular Mechanics magazine works great as a moon buggy. You might think that the internal combustion engine and pneumatic tires would be a problem in a ~vacuum, but you'd be wrong.
