MovieChat Forums > A Woman Under the Influence (1974) Discussion > Just saw this absolute masterpiece for t...

Just saw this absolute masterpiece for the first time...

I have been on a Cassavetes kick lately and have been watching his films in order, having not been able to appreciate them fully when I was younger. I had never seen this one.

I have to say that this movie really affected me in a way most other movies don't even approach. When Mabel returns to the house after the six months in the nuthouse, I lost it and started to cry...I have no idea what about this scene struck such a deep feeling in me. Perhaps it was Rowlands' performance here, her suppressed personality, which nutty as it may have been was beautiful in its way. She seems so neutered at first upon returning. All the performances were outstanding. I usually don't get on here and yap about films because I'm not so good at expressing this sort of thing but in this case I just had to. A Woman Under the Influence is my personal favorite Cassavetes film and one of the very best films I've ever seen.


Yeah !!!!!
This is one of my top 5 favourite films of all time, and it is exciting whenever someone else discovers this gem ! Gena Rowlands is sublime, as usual, working within her husband's unique directorial style.
If you are working through the Cassavetes collection in order, you are in for a treat as you have some great ones coming up !
I expect you will also love " Opening Night", " Love Streams" and " Gloria".


Beautiful...yeah I am working through the set but I also got a bootleg of Husbands, which I also loved. Unfortunately the version I obtained is in pan and scan. Still though. Any idea where I can get a good looking copy of Love Streams?


Same. I know exactly what you mean. Can't believe people are saying it's boring and Gena overacted.


What is so wonderful about this movie?! A bunch of people shouting constantly without any movement in the story. Most of the dialogues don’t make sense at all. I watched 70% and then stopped. It’s just pure hype. No wonder not many people like the movie: only reviewers are crazy about it.


Only idiots that want plot, plot, plot don't like it.

It's a slice of life kind of movie.


Which slice of life? We have certainly lived different lives because I have never seen something so absurd! The movie just doesn’t make sense because you can’t find anything like it in real life. It’s constant harrasment of mind to watch this movie and what is the message here?


Oh, I didn't know every movie had to reflect your life experience. FOH.


You mean you were surrounded by people acting in this way?


Why do you keep going back to personal experiences? Are those the only movies you like? The ones you relate?


Because you insisted that this movie is the best thing since the invention of Coca-Cola, I watched the end. All the more reason to find it absurd and overrated. Interestingly others in this forum have explained better why it is a very bad film. What can I add really?


People say the same thing of the Snyder Cut.
You think I'm going to waste my time asking those people for an explanation?
Does having people agree with you make you feel validated?
