Blood smeared on the van

I've often wondered if the blood that the hitchhiker smeared on the van was meant as a means of making them for death, or the guy was just plain ape-s**t crazy. And good theories on this?


2 corrections:
Marking them for death
Any good theories

Forgive the spelling, auto-correct and whatnot



I thought he was just wiping his hands on the van to get the blood off his hands, since he didn't have tissues with him, lol! 


I thought it looked like a meat hook



someone told me once it looked like the same pattern Leatherface saws into the door later but I don't see it.

I did sixty in five minutes once...


Seeing it again, you're right: it does appear the hitchhiker was deliberately marking the vehicle (... or, yeah, simply deranged.)


I thought it might possibly be the astrological symbol for Saturn, like the book that the girl was reading about in the van. but I looked it up and it doesn't appear to be that:

The hitchhiker and his family do appear to be into Satanism or ritual of some kind, but it isn't really 100% clear. The hitchhiker lighting Franklin's picture on fire and then drawing his blood seem to have some ritualistic significance, however, as do the white cocks and the sculptures.


I always assumed he was marking them for death.


It has a definite meaning. It comes from the character "khőnschtœn" from the Runic alphabet and denotes a robust and romantic relationship.

