
So if Jerry had listened to Pam, he wouldn't have stopped for the hitchhiker. If Kirk had listened to Pam, they would never have gone to the horror house! Then of course you have he insane Cook, hitchhiker and Leatherface....all men!!!

No small wonder this movie had a final girl....the blokes were all too stupid!

Moral of the story.....women are smarter than men.


And don't even get me started on Franklin!!!!

DISCLOSURE: for all the virulent, nasty little woman-haters out there, I'M JOKING! Oh, get a soul!


Tell me more, what do you think of Franklin?



Franklin was a whiny, sniveling pain in the proverbial!! If I were Sally I would have asked politely to borrow his knife then stabbed him in the head!


I agree, thats why we need a woman as a president! #Hillary2016#


What, to stab people in the head?


No, not stabbed... maybe shot, or found in a suspicious plane or car crash, but not stabbed.


I've also noticed that the three men are killed off pretty quickly while the two women suffer. take that however you want.

I did sixty in five minutes once...


And yet here these girls were...choosing to hang out with these guys in the first place. Interesting.


Always telling men what to do, and then saying, "See, I told you!" if they happen to have guessed right.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Yes, I read that. Listen, I've got to watch this movie while doing stomach crunches, I can do a thousand of them now. Now if you'll excuse me.

Can't, I'm afraid. Matinee of Le Miz. Christ, I'll call you.


Pam was definitely the most sensible one. Too bad she had the most brutal death.

"Notice how I ride side saddle, it proves I'm a lady of quality." Witch Hazel
