Any other decent 70's crime films?

I love this film, and also the Dirty Harry films. Can anyone recommend any other 70's stuff I might enjoy?

I've also watched "Two Minute Warning". Although not nearly as good as this, it's the kind of thing I'm after.


Charlie Varrick is a classic too.


I'm watching 'Black Sunday' right now - (1977) starring Robert Shaw, Bruce Dern and Marthe Keller - a very decent crime thriller with a terrorism theme.

May I also recommend 'Rollercoaster' (1977) starring George Segal and Timothy Bottoms.
While we're discussing George Segal, if you're needing some comic relief, he stars in the original 'Fun with Dick and Jane' (1977) - it's a decent crime comedy also starring Jane Fonda.

'The Anderson Tapes' (1971) is a pretty good heist/crime thriller starring Sean Connery, and a very young Christopher Walken - his movie debut incidentally.

If you can find it I would recommend 'Perfect Friday' (1970) starring Stanley Baker, David Warner and Ursula Undre... I mean Andress!
It's a little known and very underrated British heist/crime caper - very watchable.

And finally, a must-see is 'The Seven-Ups' (1973) starring Roy Scheider and Tony Lo Bianco.
It has a similar tone to 'The French Connection' with some great car chases - it even features the legendary Bill Hickman, who naturally performs some great driving and is also stunt coordinator.


Ah... Let me see... I recall a couple of 1970's crime films that a few people thought were pretty good.

The Godfather &
The Godfather Part II.
I don't have a dog. And furthermore, my dog doesn't bite. And furthermore, you provoked him.


The Conversation - 1974.. Gene Hacknman is wonderful in this film that takes surprising twists and turns.


hackman rules in that one!

'the long goodbye' is a good take on the noir/pi genre. [emoke1]

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


British films include Sweeney and Sweeney 2. Translated well from TV, but very violent!


Death Wish the first...well done...


Are you kidding?

There was no better decade for crime films than the 70's!

(No suggestions because they are already in the replies - but still wanted to make that point).
