
Why has this film been rated so highly? In my view it was pretty lacklustre... I couldn't connect with seemingly anyone... low body count (yes, to me, that DOES make a difference) and done in an incredibly kitsch and camp manner (probably unintentionally).

And, no, the soundtrack (which many have mentioned) is not a saving grace.

Am I missing something?


I watched this film first about 8 years ago and I was surprised at how good I thought it was and I loved the music (actually it's because of the music that I visited this board today).

I watched it again about 2 months ago and, while it has lost some of its appeal and yes it may be camp on occasion and amateurish on others (compared to todays flashy movies), I still liked it. And still love the music - not that music can in any way save a bad film (I love the theme for Cannibal Holocaust but the film is rubbish).

What I see in this movie is perhaps a slasher movie with a heart, as opposed to a slasher for the sake of gore, violence and sex.
It deals with a Twin Peaks-esque storyline a decade and a half before Twin Peaks. And I love Twin Peaks. It has moments of sadness I feel, and to me that kinda makes it a bit different to the average Giallo/slasher/exploitation movie. Who knows, maybe that was completely unintentional but that's one of the reasons I like it.

7.2 (at time of writing this) may seem a bit high but films on imdb are always overrated anyway. Especially foreign films. And even more so older foreign films. And even more so older foreign films that not many people have seen (it's only got 326 votes!).


Personally, I don't think you're missing anything. I didn't hate this but it's definitely nothing special either. It's a very routine and by-the-numbers film that's lacking style, creativity AND sleaze. However, it's kind of an undemanding rainy day time-filler and does OK at just that I suppose. I gave it a 5.

My horror movie blog:


Nothing special? Wrong. Very, very wrong. It's a brilliant film on so many levels. From action to drama with a good dose of giallo. The direction is magistral and almost every scene stands out. I liked all the three leading characters too. Massimo Dallamano is quickly becoming one of my favorite Italian directors.

__________________________ Last watched:



I find it hard to get through too. It's just too much police procedural. Really drags for a 90 minute film.
