MovieChat Forums > The Little Prince (1974) Discussion > Bob Fosse - the Little Prince

Bob Fosse - the Little Prince

I am of the opinion that every dance move Michael Jackson ever made can be seen in the Snake in the Grass sequence of The Little Prince. Even an early version on the moonwalk. MJ's early 80's costumes are directly descended from The Snake - down to the glittery socks.


Michael Jackson is one of the most wonderful dancers...If I were Bob Fosse, I would be thrilled to bits to see that he was using my moves. In fact, here's what Fosse said about Michael back in 1984:

"I think he's terrific. Clean, neat, fast, with a sensuality that comes through. Maybe he's more a synthesizer than an innovator, but it's never the steps that are most important. It's the style. That's what Michael has."



Just saw this movie again for the first time since I was like 7 years old. I had to come on to see if anyone else suspected this is where Michael Jackson found a great deal of inspiration. Even down to his son's names and the subject matter, it is very easy to believe this was a favorite of his.
