The main character is too ugly

The movie would have been even better if the role of Kaspar Hauser was played by a good-looking young man. The movie should have started with the scene in which Kaspar Hauser is standing in the middle of the square holding a letter. Only towards the middle of the movie we should have found out who put him there.


Sounds like a job for Abel Ferrara - remaking "Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle (Anlaufhafen L.A.)" with Keanu Reeves.


Keanu Reeves would be good although I'd prefer another actor for this role - Nicolas Quilter:



Keanu Reeves is completely incapable of acting. And Bruno S is one of the most gorgeous, classy men ever to have roamed the Earth - I think he should have played James Bond.


And He-Man



Shia LaBeouf. Anthony Hopkins as Professor Daumer.


Culkin-fan is a perfect example of why movies these days are so awful.

"I don't know where I am. I can't breathe."
—Henry Winkler



Cinephile Empire:


"The movie would have been even better if the role of Kaspar Hauser was played by a good-looking young man."

This wouldn't really reflect the real Kasper Hausen at all. Dude's not gonna spend half his life in a dungeon and come out looking like Brad Pitt.

"The movie should have started with the scene in which Kaspar Hauser is standing in the middle of the square holding a letter. Only towards the middle of the movie we should have found out who put him there."

Why would this be good? Considering we don't really know anything about the guy that put him there, it's not going to be a shock reveal. The audience aren't going to appreciate finding out who it was because that isn't the focal point of the story and no-one has any idea about who it was anyway.


Roberto Benigni



Yeah, I know what you mean. I also think Home Alone would've been much better without that repulsive little kid.



They should have picked a younger actor, not a prettier one. Bruno S. is 42 in this movie, while the character is supposed to be 16.


I love Bruno S.'s face.

have you ever seen an actual ugly person in your life
like seriously
