Just A Good Movie

I was eight when the movie came out. It was my grandmother's favorite movie at the time, she had a cat and treated it like Harry was with Tonto.

This movie is just a nice story. I think this is a film that gets better with age. Your own. The older I get, the more I feel for Harry and his elderly friends.

This movie should never be remade. It captures the era it was from, the world is too dangerous to make this film believable now.

Art Carney is brilliant in this roll. He us immediately likable. I didn't know it won Best Screenplay. The writing is excellent.

This is easily one of my top ten academy award winning movies.


Saw this film for the first time last night, in the very wee hours. Dang it, I fell asleep. Last thing I remember Harry was walking on the beach with Shirley. Can you or someone else "spoil" this? What happened?


Good movie, but it may not be for everyone imo. The message of the film requires a little thought; you have to really interpret the details. More like reading a story than watching a film
