MovieChat Forums > Identikit (1975) Discussion > meaning of the final scene?

meaning of the final scene?

Just watched this for the first time. Really enjoyed the off beat mood. But I'm curious what to make of the final scene, where the authorities and killer are standing around looking down at the ground at nothing. It seems like the spot where he was with Lise the night before. But what are we to glean by them staring at the ground. Is it that there is no trace of her, not even any blood?


This is the one part of the movie that really puzzled me, especially because the last shot cuts away so abruptly. But yeah, my guess is also that Lise's body has vanished.

Why or how I have no idea, but as far as themes go I suppose you could read it as though without the body no one can prove that the man killed her, and that this is perhaps appropriate because it was Lise herself who was the "real" killer in this situation.


Thanks for the reply. I guess that's as good an explanation as any.
