I hated that annoying selfish arrogant rude little brat. How ungrateful, all his mom does is try and provide for him and all he does is complain. Best part of the movie is when he got spanked, wish I was the one doing it.


I honestly hope you guys don't have any children, and will never have if you don't change your attitude about kids (and probably many other important things in life too).


Yes, because you are so mature and wise and you know best about life. Sorry, but the kid was a monster and needed to be swatted.


My kids were never like this.
We told them and taught them early on to be responsible.
Have fun, certainly. But there are lines you DO NOT cross.
Alice didn't seem to have a line when it came to her kid and when he received that much deserved spanking she went off on Kris!
If you are not going to discipline you kids others will.
And one day I may be a police officer.


I wonder if, as many wives/mothers in the 70' did, let the husband/father do the brunt of the discipline.

I have no idea how many times I heard 'wait till your father gets home!'

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Agreed. Authoritarianism and violence only makes things worse. Do the posters in this thread really think beating Tommy would have magically transformed him into a good kid? He was acting badly and Alice was spoiling him, but it isn't so simple a problem that spanking would solve it. If anything, that would probably just have made Tommy resent her.

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I AGREE! sad thing... kids today are brought up spoiled. either their parents do everything for them and the kids automatically expect it from everyone. OR their parents do everything for them and the kids can't even tie their shoes in 3rd grade!

not lyin.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


That kid was an A-S-S. I have never been so annoyed by a child character.

Tommy on the show Alice is way better than Tommy in the movie!


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