Albert "Little Beaklips" Ingalls

What a Renaissance man! First off, he is a young Charles Ingalls who time traveled into the future, so old Chuck could adopt him. And he was an awesome baseball player, a doctor, a morphine addict and a dyer from blood cancer. What a life!


I never saw a show that made so many feel so threatened by its existence. A period show that appealed to some but had its weak points. I don't know that it was any worse than most of the other shows which aired during the 1970's. I don't think that Albert was any worse than Ralph Malph or Stanley Roper or any of the other sad sacks that populated the airwaves then.


Albert was head and shoulders above all those others. After all, if you watch the LHOTP episode where Charles has flashbacks to when he was a kid, you see that he looked exactly like Albert. Which can only mean by Sherlockian deductive reasoning, that at some point in the past, young Charles built a time machine and traveled into the future, where he changed his name to Albert and became his own son.

Little know fact, but Charles could throw a wagon wheel around the entire world and catch it as it came around.


We all know that Pa fathered Albert by a saloon pro above the saloon in whatever town that was. Ma got her revenge by having Grace who was fathered by Uncle Chris. The funny thing was that while they laughed over things while in bed and chomped on popcorn with their mouths open, Pa had no clue about Ma's deceit while she knew all about his. That's why she giggled so much in bed with Pa. It's believed that Ma also conceived Mary with the town rich boy but he didn't want her so she had to find some dumb bloke who thought that babies were made in 6 months. Caroline was so shady!!!


She was a ho!
