MovieChat Forums > A Thief in the Night (1973) Discussion > The single most traumatizing film EVER!

The single most traumatizing film EVER!

I was forced to watch this film as a child, and it still effects me to this day.

I'm not a Christian, so the Rapture really has no meaning for me, but honestly who in their right mind would show a movie like this to their kids? A child shouldn't be scared into "so-called salvation." Faith is a choice that should be made when one is old enough to understand what it means. The fact that a lot of non-denominational Christian Churches used this film as a "Scare-Tactic" to frighten people is just revolting to me. As a victim of this, I can truly say that this film should only be shown to adults of the fundamental Christian persuasion.

JRM Intelligence Agency:
Special Agent Isi


i saw this film several times as a child when i went to christian school/summer day camp. i was about 6 the first time i saw it. it gave me NIGHTMARES. because of this along with other exrreme teachings i was under i went through a stage where i was obsessed with the end of days thinking at any moment the rapture would come and even sometimes thinking i heard trumpets. i was afraid to do anything wrong. the problem lies more with the fact that it WAS used as a scare tactic in my case.

but i was also told by administrators that if you had tattoos you'd go to hell and if you had anything pierced [unless it was your ears and you were a girl] you'd go to hell. i was about 8. i asked "what if you get the tattoos removed or take the piercings out"? and the lady told me that the marks and scars from those things were just as bad and it didn't matter. hahahaha!! so then i went through a few months believeing everyone i knew and liked who had a little nose ring or a rose on their ankle was damned and it saddened me. i got over that quickly though because i realized that was idiotic pretty soon.

i don't really follow any religion now though.


I am sitting here reading how people think they were brainwashed at an early age??? I was the same age as these very same people when I first saw this movie.What are you thinking??? Are you really just not believers? Sure this movie can scare you....If you are fighting conviction or ignoring Jesus knocking at your heart. I would be frightened too...We all know this is a fiction based story that was founded on the Biblical Phropesy of God...and yes....You all can argue and argue on what you believe and what you don't believe and how the original authors did not follow scripture....but you are only doing exactly what the devil wants you to do! The bottom line is that Jesus died for our sins and He is coming again!! Thank You Lord Jesus!!! I praise Your Name!!! Lets not argue and ignore!! Lets be thankful and pay attention because the very same people; will one day be wondering where all their loved ones went when that wonderful day of the rapture occurs. Instead of being ignorant to Your Word....instead of letting our tempers get the best of us....instead of wanting to prove our point with scripture....Lets just all pray for those that have not accepted Jesus in their life!!! Lets pray that they will heed to their convictions and that they will listen and yearn to be what God wants for each of us! Lets pray that every person that is down and has given up hope....those people that are hurting and those that need to be loved...will all confess that they have sinned and that they acknowledge that God sent His Son on this earth in human form to die on the cross to take on our sins and rose again the 3rd day... and confess with their mouth that they desire to have Jesus live within their heart that one day that they too will also be in heaven with Jesus.
People...People....are you really going to allow the devil to take control???? Brainwashed??? No!!! That is conviction!! The devil is the one that is brainwashing you to get on this site and actually complain about this movie and how you were so innocently brainwashed at an early age. I am so very very thankful that Jesus did not harden His heart with me!! Praise You Jesus!!! Thank You for all you have done and work through me that I may be a better servant and help lead more people to the Lord.



For your own mental and emotional health you need to explore ideas outside of your religion. I know, I's not a religion, it's a relaaationship. The amount of !!! and ??? you use alone demonstrate that you have some issues. Believing in the Devil and the rapture have curdled your mind.


Do you remember when you saw it?

I'd like to know the month and year it was first released.


I only know about this movie because a friend of mine told me about how it scared him to death growing up (that song at the beginning haunted him for years).
He grew up in a big family (son of a preacher man literally) so there were always people in the house. If he came home from school one day and no one was home, he began to panic the rapture had happened and he had been left behind.
He had also known he was gay since he was 9, but did not come out till he was in college (He went to Oral Roberts University, and was kicked out for coming out).
Ironically he is now a very successful drag queen in South Florida.


This is what happened to me also. I was raised in a very Christian household and was limited to very mild G-rated TV shows and movies, and no popular music. Being shown A Thief in the Night (and the sequels) at around age 9 at our church with all the other kids traumatised me so much that I had panic attacks and recurring nightmares for years whenever I found the house empty.

Those who don't understand how these movies could possibly have had a negative effect - you're lucky. Don't **** on those who were affected for being trusting, innocent sponges as kids. That I had been coccooned from the evil, secular world made these movies all the more shocking, frightening and damaging.



I completely agree with the original poster. I was shown this film when I was about 13 at a Baptist Youth Group evening.

It terrified me.

At the end they asked if anyone wanted to give their life to God and I went up to do it purely out of fear. I had nightmares for weeks.

I didn't really believe in God so stopped going to Church after about a month and I am an agnostic now.

I am still horrified that the church thought it OK to show a film like this as entertainment to a room full of young people.

"I'd rather have 3 minutes of wonderful than a whole life time of nothing special."
