MovieChat Forums > Silent Night, Bloody Night (1972) Discussion > Not the best example of 70s horror

Not the best example of 70s horror

I love 70s horror. The 70s are the decade I was first introduced to horror (courtesy of Hammer). But this film was really hard work. It's another proto-slasher and one that for some reason had passed me by. The plot is absolutely bananas. The motivation for the killer makes sense at first, but then you realise they kinda played a very big part in causing what they're seeking revenge for. The dialogue is sometimes... weird;

Diane: How old are you?
Jeffrey: You mean how many years have I lived?

If Jeffrey was a vampire, or some other supernatural being this exchange might make sense. But he's not. It's just one ordinary person asking another ordinary person their age.

The movie deserves credit for some if its performances (Patrick O'Neal, James Patterson - who sadly died of cancer just a few months before it was released), but others aren't so great (an appallingly wooden Mary Woronov, John Carradine looking like he'd been led there and left by his carer). It does manage a creepy atmosphere, there's a nicely done double-kill about half an hour in, and the score by Gershon Kingsley is good.



A 5/10 is about right. Most of the praise this one gets is due to the fact it's an early 'proto-slasher' and a Christmas one at that! In truth it's not that great.


I'm gonna guess you rate a certain other 70s Christmas-y slasher-y horror much higher! 😂


Much, much higher. Black Christmas is pretty much a top 10 horror movie of all time (there is always some shuffling going on, it's definitely in my top 25 and sometimes as high as top 5) and from looking at my list of seen 1972 horror movies I can say that Silent Night, Bloody Night isn't making the top 10 for that year nevermind anything else.

The 27 1972 horror movies I've seen (in no particular order).

The Last House on the Left
All the Colors of the Dark
Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key
Don't Torture a Duckling
What Have You Done to Solange?
The Red Queen Kills Seven Times
Seven Blood-Stained Orchids
The Case of the Bloody Iris
Who Saw Her Die?
Death Walks at Midnight
Smile Before Death
Tales from the Crypt
Silent Night, Bloody Night
Horror Express
Death Line
The Other
Dracula A.D. 1972
Dr. Phibes Rises Again
Vampire Circus
The Night Stalker
Tombs of the Blind Dead
Baron Blood
Fear in the Night
