MovieChat Forums > Scarecrow (1973) Discussion > Cillian Murphy's favorite movie, apparen...

Cillian Murphy's favorite movie, apparently

Dude's got good taste:

Are there any particular actors who inspired you when you were younger?

There's a movie called Scarecrow that was made in 1973 with Al Pacino and Gene Hackman. Pacino's performance profoundly effected me in the way that a film can bring about such an emotional response. You should really see this film. There's a scene at the end where he has a breakdown in a fountain and it's just unbelievable. I didn't even start acting until another four years after I saw it, but the performances and themes have stayed with me.

What film most inspired you?

It was a movie, ironically enough, called Scarecrow. It is a 1973 movie with Gene Hackman and Al Pacino. I saw that movie when I was about fifteen or sixteen, and Al Pacino's performance really knocked me out. There is a scene near the end when he has a breakdown. I can't understand why this movie isn't spoken about more it is a masterpiece; Jerry Schatzberg directed it. That really affected me, and I didn't start acting until I was twenty. It just came out on DVD, actually.

Have you ever seen a movie that has greatly impacted you?

It's funny you should ask that question. This came up already today. There was, actually. When I was about 15 or 16, it was Halloween, and we wanted to get a scary movie, myself and my brother. And we went to get it, and the guy gave us the wrong movie. And it's kind of ironic, the title of the movie, but it was Scarecrow. And it was Gene Hackman and Al Pacino. And it profoundly affected me. I didn't realize that films could do that to you. And it's weird, I suppose, because it's not up there with the classics. Nobody really talks about it. I really think it's the last classic, you know. So, stayed with me, and I started watching loads and loads of films.

"When you pull a gun, kill a man!"


Well then he must have been happy with his character in Batman.

If you'll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal.





dear original poster,

thanks for posting this bit of info. i enjoyed reading about it. i love cillian murphy. to the guy that was all mean about his "who cares" rant about cillian murphy - you're kind of lame, aren't you? it would have made more sense if you really hadn't known who he was. but since you do, it really doesn't compute that you would be so snarky towards him. he's clearly an amazing actor and well on his way with a respectable career. and, i mean, if you don't care, why reply? it's not as if the original poster put this up for you personally... i don't get it. if you don't care about cillian murphy, don't click on the particular thread! jeez!

i saw this movie last night and enjoyed it.



now how did i know you would respond with this? word for word - it's like you're reading a script! you're playing the part of the "ridiculously over-angry imdb poster that has absolutely no manners or couth" - and sir, you play it well. cillian murphy would be proud. you're awesome! thanks for the laugh!



of course, it could be said we're both playing that role, no?



wow. you are really an insufferable bastard, huh? i pity you. have a nice life being a huge jerk, ok?







"I saw this movie before that talentless windbag was even born."

That's a pretty neat trick if what you said about you being 29 on a different board is true. Or was that a typo?




So which is it? Are you 29 or 39?




Nope, no hobbies. You got me dead on.

It's not about age, it's about what you wrote. I'm sorry for asking. I did not mean to upset you. I was just curious.




It profoundly affects me too. I hopely discover this movie - it's one of my favourite.




That's so cool!!! I love Cillan Murphy even more now!!! He was awesome in Batman...
-#1 site for Dustin Hoffman fans-


The man who played the Scarecrow in Batman Begins was inspired to get into acting by this film. What are the odds?



Thank you for sharing, it makes me like him even more.
