MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (1973) Discussion > Your The Exorcist nightmare

Your The Exorcist nightmare

I've had two distinct types of The Exorcist nightmares, thankfully not in many years now.

One was just Regan's possessed face with a circular torrent of blood leaving her mouth/head. Think of her head as Saturn and the blood as its ring.

The other is a roughly Regan-height possessed woman/girl running around and trying to stab people with a knife.


yeads ago I had recurring dreams of the exorcist. They seemed to be narrative, telling a story, even though sometimes I was different people (the priest, the mother) but never the possessed. They became connected with another set of dreams where I was walking through a house trying to find a room where I could see a faint light. But it scared me. I didn't want to find that room, but I kept walking. I actually went to my priest and told him and he took it very seriously and prayed for me as I knelt before the altar (Russian Orthodox). They stopped immediately.


I have had dozens of nightmares over the years inspired by the movie and book. The one with the face that you mention is very similar to one I had in my mid-teens. It was one of the most vivid ones that I'll never forget. An adult Linda Blair (who at the time of the dream was already in her mid to kate twenties) was sitting in a chair talking to me. Eventually she turned her back to me in anger. When I tried to get her attention, she kept her back to me. Finally I went around in front of her facing. Thrn her eyes were glaring with hate, but her mouth was o-shaped as smoke came pouring out, encircling her head. And then a red light emitted a glow around her body. That wasn't the scariest one, but it was one of them and it haunted me more than most of them did.


I had a few Exorcist dreams. I remember one when I was at Chris's house when she had her party and I tried to escape her house because I knew Reagan was possessed but all the doors were locked and would not open.

The other one was when I was in Reagan's bedroom and she was fully possessed and she would not let me leave. It was a truly scary nightmare!!!!
