MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (1973) Discussion > Am I the only one who thinks...

Am I the only one who thinks...

...that Pazuzu's face they show in quick flashes is much scarier looking than the possessed Reagan face?


I agree, but I think a big part of that is because they go by so quickly that they hit on you on a subliminal level.


I agree, but I think a big part of that is because they go by so quickly that they hit on you on a subliminal level.

You can sort of get used to Regan's ever-changing (and hideous) face, but the Pazuzu flashes are super-terrifying because it's so quick, you can't quite make it out. It looks all kinds of wrong but you still can't get a handle on what it is - which feeds into the fear of the unknown too.

Part of the reason that the original version of the film is the better one, because we're not hit over the head with Pazuzu images like we are in later cut. I mean, having his face showing up on the range-hood in the kitchen just made the whole thing a joke! Why didn't they just have him pop out of the toaster at breakfast?

"Puss rules!"
"It's Pus"


Why didn't they just have him pop out of the toaster at breakfast?

Regan was possessed by a demon. It wasn't an alter eggo.



alter eggo

Toaster. Eggo. Geddit?

Tough crowd.


I completely got it! Sorry I didn't acknowledge. I'm still licking my wounds because I tried to make a joke about people confusing Regan with Reagan and some sorehead came after me with guns blazing...

Tough crowd, indeed.


I'm still licking my wounds because I tried to make a joke about people confusing Regan with Reagan and some sorehead came after me with guns blazing...

Whaaa? I see no one in your Reagan/Regan thread acting like a sorehead. Or are you talking about somewhere else? 

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


Yeah...I just apologized to that poster. I thought the worst so I overreacted.

So now of course I feel guilty about the whole thing.

And I'm Catholic, so the guilt is naturally emphasized. 😔



You could always offer him/her this meme...

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


The "Reagan" thing used to bug me a little bit, but then I figured that as long as I know who they're talking about, it didn't really matter. That was a funny thread, though, I have to admit.


I mean, having his face showing up on the range-hood in the kitchen just made the whole thing a joke!

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


Imagine being confronted with that when you get up for a tinkle in the middle of the night!

"Puss rules!"
"It's Pus"


Imagine being confronted with that when you get up for a tinkle in the middle of the night!
 Staring down there at "Captain Doody" would certainly get the heart racin', wouldn't it!

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


Heck yeah! It is way scarier than Reagan's face!!!
