MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (1973) Discussion > Do you believe in demons?

Do you believe in demons?

I do, they are very real.



I would love to, but I have yet to see or experience anything in my search to lead me to believe they are real by any degree.

Definitely hoping they are though, and thus open to it.


What? So you'd love to come across a real demon? What are you, a masochist?


As a non-materialist, I believe in the possibility of demons. But none of my reading about possession instantiates any cases of genuine/supernatural demonic possession. All the symptoms are easily relatable to psychological or neurological causes. Even in rare cases where telekinesis is reported, the "demons" themselves are all too human personalities on a nasty streak - nothing like the novelistic demon that Blatty so cleverly and convincingly created. If demons didn't exist - and that's an open question - surely we would have to invent indeed we have, at least as projection-carriers for our own worst thoughts, wishes, and deeds. "The Devil made me do it" is one stout pillar upholding widespread demon-belief. Blame an outside source rather than yourself; invent a self-exonerating mechanism.




Yes I do. I believe I experienced one once of course I can't be sure m.


Demons were around before any of us were born. They will still be here long after we're gone. Evil is as old as the Earth itself.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


I believe that evil exists. I believe that it is possible that evil entities exist. I think that possession is possible but extremely rare, and that all other explanations should be explored first.


I think that possession is possible but extremely rare, and that all other explanations should be explored first.

I agree with that. Possession - authentic possession - means the reality of non-material malevolent entities. It doesn't mean some kind of mere hysteria, albeit combined with ESP talents and telekinesis. It means the presence of a demon or other entity. For that, the most careful study, knowledge of medicine and psychiatry, and finally, as the Roman Ritual states, "the prudent judgment" of the priest that all those other physical/natural elements have been addressed, and still have failed to explain the symptoms of the case.




In order to get some measure of verification, you'd need to research and test the psychic mediums that insist demons exist, and that they are able to see demons when they confront them. Amy Allen from The Dead Files has made many profound statements regarding the existence of demons, but the scientific community would need to verify and prove that Amy has a special ability. That's essentially where the paranormal and scientific community is at today. If you can prove that Amy is telling the truth, and that other psychic mediums or physical mediums are authentic, then the information they've gathered is vast.

Here's a recently debated photo of a demon.

I'll assume this photo is a phony, but there are people who are convinced demons are real.
