MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (1973) Discussion > is The Witch, this era's Exorcist?

is The Witch, this era's Exorcist?

I thought last years The Witch was the most unsettling movie for a long, long, time, probably since the original Blair Witch.
Alright it isn't as scary as The Exorcist or in the same league in many other ways but I think its the nearest we are going to get to a genuinely scar horror movie in todays PG 13 era.
Most horror made now is very disappointing.
Ive liked very few Horrors in the last 20 years.

I did like The Blair Witch Project, The Exorcism of Emily Rose and The Fourth Kind.
The original Paranormal Activity was quite good but far from great.
I would like to see a true to the book version of The Amityville horror, unlike the abysmal 2005 version which had nothing from the book in it and shouldn't really have been called The Amityville Horror, because in all honesty, it wasn't!
Theres so much terrifying stuff in that book that would make an awesome film if one that someone decides to do a truthful adaption,
Now that would be an extremely scary film, if it was made for adults and not the PG 13 jump scare crowd.
I hope it happens one day!



yes but the 1979 version is still missing a lot of stuff from the book, which was probably because they didn't have the effects to do it in those days.
But the 1979 version is no where near as bone chillingly frightening as the book, I mean, try sleeping on your own in a dark house after reading it!
But the film is just, meh.....



See? lol. One down, one to go... er, two if we count this one.

 SFMZone / DrAndreiSmyslov


Make that two down and one to go. Or two to go if we count this one. lol

 SFMZone / DrAndreiSmyslov. You're always one step behind, eh? 


I don't think The Witch comes close to the Friedkin film. For me, it held no surprises, was overwrought and cliched, and the father's "accent" was nearly undecipherable... It did convey a sense of the historical time and place, but that is the only "plus" I could find in it...


LMAO. Hilarious post.


I'm still laughing. Can't believe anyone could compare, with a straight face, The Witch to The Exorcist.

One was a colossal box office hit, acclaimed by critics and fans alike, was heavily represented at the Academy Awards, became the template for later exorcism based films (a notable sub-genre of horror), has long been considered the best/scariest horror film of all time (when I was young it was the final boss of horror films, the ultimate scare test).

The other is a hipster horror flick which has a couple of snobby cinephile fans. #MuhElevatedHorror


Hell no. Nothing scary at all about the pretentious Witch.
